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Ahaha. I forgot about that guy. He's got tonnes of videos floating around.

That gig looks pretty hairy though.
bum said:
Ahaha. I forgot about that guy. He's got tonnes of videos floating around.

That gig looks pretty hairy though.
yeah it looked a bit touch & go.
A work colleague has been interspersing my choices of Toma Waits, Swans and Rowland Howard with Taylor Swift. Worse, he's singing along exuberantly in a voice that's louder than the music.

Thus I may soon be listening to the sound of death - his or my own. Can't pack two thousand year old egyptian antiquities to Taylor ******* Swift my son. No sir I can't.
Liam_snorkel said:
yeah it looked a bit touch & go.
I guess the punters couldn't afford ICP tickets after spending their cheque's on solvents.

Good to see the proud tradition of low rent performance art still alive in the US, though it seems a little tamer nowadays.

GG would have ****** that guy up for juggling his tackle. Or possibly attempted to rape him.


What I love about this is even with only a handful of people watching, the drummer still finds someone to pick a fight with ( about 2:30)

Karjalan sissit: kunnia jsanmaa

Or something - can't properly read the hand written swedish on the cd cover.

Martial, noisy industrial for drunken misanthropes.
Nice one mants. Not Swedish (although the band may be) but roughly translated in Finnish it means "guerillas from Karjala/Karelia: in honour of the fatherland. Listening to it now. Cheers mate.
Could be finnish. Marcus is credited with having origins in both Sweden and Finland. I assumed Sweden because the label is Swedish but I'm not educated enough in nordic language to distinguish despite loving a lot of post industrial music from those regions.

Glad you're enjoying - didn't think anyone would listen, let alone enjoy. I like a lot of music termed post industrial but have been listening to a lot of other stuff recently. My lady and I make some kind of ambient industrial stuff together and we have a gig in 4 weeks so I'm revisiting what I love. Haven't played live or together for close to two years.
High on Fire. And the sound of kegs emptying. And the skulls of enemies cracking beneath my feet. No link. That is the HOF way.
Well the band name/song name definitely are Finnish and from what I can see, most of the song titles are. My parents are both born in Finland and although I was born in Australia, I didn't speak English until I was 5. Still speak fluent Finnish.

Definitely enjoying it though. I don't mind some noise/art rock that others find difficult to listen to... If you ever put anything out I'd be keen to hear it.
Lecterfan said:
High on Fire. And the sound of kegs emptying. And the skulls of enemies cracking beneath my feet. No link. That is the HOF way.
Didn't know much about them until a few years ago but I scored a free ticket to a show in 2011 in Brisbane. Support were Kylesa (awesome 2 drummers) and Protest The Hero (almost went home early). HOF were awesome.
Have sent stuff to two forum members before. One I never heard from again, the other wanted to rewrite the DSM with us in mind but if you're interested I can pass on some stuff.

Swedes and nords are odd, finns are like fringe dwellers for swedes and norse. You might dig it with your weird freaky scandinavian roots though.
^ Hahahaha. So the axes were put away...don't read too much into it.
Dave70 said:
What I love about this is even with only a handful of people watching, the drummer still finds someone to pick a fight with ( about 2:30)
I would have supported the guy in the crowd. The band sucks arse, and not in a good way
Found out about about clutch (latest album) and newsted today for the first time. Got albums and have been playing ever since.

They're both on soundwave lineup so keen to see live now
Lecterfan said:
^ Hahahaha. So the axes were put away...don't read too much into it.
I took it as some kind of compliment.

Like saying to a girl on a date 'you have a big nose, bandy legs and a pale complexion but I love pale, big nosed, funny legged chicks'.
Would be keen to have a listen man. I get the scandi **** comments a bit. More like "Ah that's right, your Finnish" Whenever it's something slightly off kilter. Yes I'll have a sauna with anyone. No pants is not optional :)
I love the scandi oddness. Brought several swedes from that record label over here in 2006 - bent as all **** but loads of fun.
Obviously I don't base my assessment of a major part of Northern Europe entirely on 3 drunken industrial musicians and my experiences with them over 5 days but if they were indicative and winter was less than 1/2 a year, I'd consider moving.