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Between the buried and me - Colors


Why the hell didn't anybody tell me about this album sooner?
RTR is playing Fascination Street, haven't heard that for a while, I really love the grinding bass line.
Mastodon - Blood Mountain.

Love this album.
695 MB wedged on a flash card. About 100 songs from the usual suspects, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, Orrf, Tchaikovsky and so on.

Been doing a lot of driving in, out and around Sydney on the M5 and M2 and have found it quite useful at taking ones mind off the psychosis inducing traffic snarls and perpetual choking roadwork.

Honestly, every now and again find myself sitting there pointing at the car stereo and clicking my fingers going, 'I know that riff'.
There really is nothing new under the sun.

If you've never really given the powerful classical a go at full noise, trust me, you'll be in for a treat.
I was listening to a radio show a while back (can't remember which one) where a guy was describing how he went chronologically through the styles of European 'classical' music at home and in the car, wherever he could for weeks, fully immersing himself in it. Starting with gregorian chants and ****, moving through baroque then classical then the romantic periods. Interesting experiment I've considered doing but too lazy to have. Anyway, he said that particularly with the stuff early on prior to the renaissance, whenever he found himself in a situation where modern music was being imposed on his ears, it just sounded like horrible noise. And the first time he heard a flat 5th in a piece he thought what the **** was that. Cool story.
been listening to fear factory's new album lately

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Brand new-ey from Between the Buried and Me:


Initial impression is good, especially if you're like me and tend to lean more on the 'Proggy' side, and less on the Cookie Monster vocals and raw aggression.
been listening to fear factory's new album lately

What is it like mate?

I was a huge fan of demanufacture, and obsolete, but have not heard anything since then?
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Been listening to a bit of the safety fire as of late.

Very periphery-esque, but (IMO) a little more enjoyable.
So apparently Cannibal Corpse are programming Rage tonight.

I just came inside and Iron Maiden Run to the Hills was playing on the telly. I was never a Maiden fan because I always took a negative stance on clean vocals, and I still prefer raspy thrash vocals, BUT there is just no denying Steve Harris' crown on the bass.

Missing Persons - Words - just makes me think of Beavis and Butthead. "Do I care? uhh huh huh. No way."
The Beards - You should consider having sex with a bearded man.

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