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I have decided to add 500 ml boiling water, via underletting, every 2 minutes to achieve my sacc temp.

Oops, there goes the alarm now...
60 min hops just gone into this:
Should get 23L around 1.065-67 in the cube.

4.50 kg Pale Malt
0.50 kg Munich I (Weyermann)
0.25 kg Crystal
0.25 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann)
0.15 kg Cara-Pils
12.00 gm Tradition [5.70 %] (60 min) Hops 6.3 IBU
22.00 gm Northern Brewer [9.70 %] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 21.7 IBU
40.00 gm Saaz [4.00 %] (20 min) Hops 8.9 IBU
0.37 kg Dememera Sugar (2.0 SRM)

Wyeast 3787 to chew and fart on this on this.
Just pitched the yeast lastnight

Raspberry American Wheat

64% JW Wheat malt
28% JW Trad Ale Malt
8% JW Pils

Amarillo 15 IBU (60 min)
Amarillo 7.5 IBU (20 min)
Amarillo 20g flameout.

OG 1.052

Mash In @ 66 Deg for 70 min
Mash Out 77 Deg 10 min

Secondry, rack onto puree` of raspberries 2L (1kg) for 2 weeks and keg.
This will be mashed in the morning, done it it before and sometimes add heaps of cherries in 2nd ferm, will see what the base wit is like.
Have had it set like concrete [read stuck] before but I have it 'sussed' now without rice gulls [love that gulls/hulls Tony]. :lol:

A Wit of sorts.

2.50 kg Pale Malt
2.50 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann)
0.25 kg Oats, Flaked
0.12 kg Cara-Pils
22.00 gm Tradition [5.70 %] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 14.0 IBU
25.00 gm Saaz [4.00 %] (20 min) Hops 6.1 IBU
Good guess of Coriander Seed (Boil 5.0 min) Misc
Good guess of Orange Peel, Bitter (Boil 5.0 min) Misc

1 Pkgs Trappist High Gravity (Wyeast Labs #3787) Yeast-Wheat
This one is planned for tomorrow.
It's a bit of a mongrol to use up some odds and ends of hops to rationalise my stocks.

Elsie's Birthday Bitter
Brew Type: All Grain Date: 4/10/2008
Style: Special/Best/Premium Bitter Brewer: Robert
Batch Size: 23.00 L Assistant Brewer: Elsie
Boil Volume: 30.54 L Boil Time: 60 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 % Equipment: My Equipment
Actual Efficiency: 77.70 %
Taste Rating (50 possible points): 35.0

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
4000.00 gm Golden Promise (5.9 EBC) Grain 84.57 %
250.00 gm Amber Malt (85.0 EBC) Grain 5.29 %
250.00 gm Crystal (145.0 EBC) Grain 5.29 %
200.00 gm Crystal Dark (260.0 EBC) Grain 4.23 %
30.00 gm Chocolate (1200.0 EBC) Grain 0.63 %
10.00 gm Northern Brewer [6.60 %] (60 min) Hops 7.5 IBU
12.00 gm B Saaz '07 [8.20 %] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 12.2 IBU
10.00 gm First Gold '06 [7.90 %] (10 min) Hops 3.2 IBU
19.00 gm Bramling Cross [8.60 %] (10 min) Hops 6.7 IBU
19.00 gm B Saaz '07 [8.20 %] (0 min) Hops -
1 Pkgs Nottingham (UK) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.044 SG (1.040-1.048 SG)
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.013 SG (1.008-1.012 SG)
Estimated Color: 31.1 EBC (9.9-31.5 EBC) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 29.6 IBU (25.0-40.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 5.8 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 4.10 % (3.80-4.60 %)

Mash Profile Name: Single Infusion, Full Body

Selected Style and BJCP Guidelines
11C-English Brown Ale-Northern English Brown Ale

Minimum OG: 1.040 SG Maximum OG: 1.052 SG
Minimum FG: 1.008 SG Maximum FG: 1.013 SG
Minimum IBU: 20 IBU Maximum IBU: 30 IBU
Minimum Color: 12.0 SRM Maximum Color: 22.0 SRM

Recipe Overview
Target Wort Volume Before Boil: 23.00 l Actual Wort Volume Before Boil: 24.00 l
Target Wort Volume After Boil: 20.00 l Actual Wort Volume After Boil: 17.50 l
Target Volume Transferred: 20.00 l Actual Volume Transferred: 17.50 l
Target Volume At Pitching: 20.00 l Actual Volume At Pitching: 20.00 l
Target Volume Of Finished Beer: 19.00 l Actual Volume Of Finished Beer: 20.00 l
Target Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.039 SG Actual Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.043 SG
Target OG: 1.044 SG Actual OG: -No Record-
Target FG: 1.011 SG Actual FG: -No Record-
Target Apparent Attenuation:: 73.9 % Actual Apparent Attenuation: 0.0 %
Target ABV: 4.4 % Actual ABV: 0.0 %
Target ABW: 3.4 % Actual ABW: 0.0 %
Target IBU (using Tinseth): 29.7 IBU Actual IBU: 27.1 IBU
Target Color (using Morey): 16.6 SRM Actual Color: 16.6 SRM
Target Mash Efficiency: 70.0 % Actual Mash Efficiency: 81.3 %
Target Fermentation Temp: 18 degC Actual Fermentation Temp: 18 degC

Ingredient Amount % MCU When
Australian Traditional Ale Malt 3.500 kg 83.0 % 5.0 In Mash/Steeped
Australian Caramalt 0.350 kg 8.3 % 4.1 In Mash/Steeped
Australian Crystal 140 0.200 kg 4.7 % 6.2 In Mash/Steeped
Australian Amber Malt 0.085 kg 2.0 % 0.8 In Mash/Steeped
German Carafa III 0.080 kg 1.9 % 17.5 In Mash/Steeped

Variety Alpha Amount IBU Form When
German Northern Brewer 8.0 % 20 g 23.7 Loose Pellet Hops 60 Min From End
UK Golding 5.5 % 15 g 6.1 Loose Pellet Hops 15 Min From End

Other Ingredients
Ingredient Amount When
Whirlfloc Tablet 1 In Boil

Wyeast 1098-British Ale

Water Profile
Target Profile: No Water Profile Chosen
Mash pH: 5.2
pH Adjusted with: Unadjusted

Total Calcium (ppm): 13 Total Magnesium (ppm): 5
Total Sodium (ppm): 54 Total Sulfate (ppm): 10
Total Chloride(ppm): 27 Total Bicarbonate (ppm): 107

Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Full Mash
Schedule Name: Single Step Infusion (68C/154F) w/Mash-Out
Currently whirlpooling, about to be transferred to a cube.

Hefeweizen II

Type: All Grain
Date: 20/10/2008
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Time: 60 min

2.80 kg Pale Malt (Weyermann) (3.3 SRM) Grain 50.00 %
2.80 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (2.0 SRM) Grain 50.00 %
40.00 gm Hallertauer [3.20 %] (60 min) Hops 13.9 IBU

1 Pkgs Weihenstephan Weizen (Wyeast Labs #3068) Yeast-Wheat

Original Gravity: 1.050 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.012 SG

Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 4.94 %
Bitterness: 13.9 IBU
Est Color: 4.7 SRM

Mash Profile
30 min Acid Rest at 35 C
60 min Mash In 65 C
10 min Mash Out 76 C
Productive day so far:

- Kegged a Norwest Pale Ale FWK
- Bottled 25L of strawberry cider
- Racked 45L of a quickndirty for a mates 21st
- Put in an Amarillo Ale FWK for said 21st
- Milled the grist for Tony's porter recipe which I'll be mashing in first thing. I'm making a this one a little more robust in terms of gravity and flavour (more choc, more IBUs) for the 21st as well.

Time for a beer...
First Wort hops just went into this:
23L [around that]

4.50 kg Pale Malt, Ale
0.30 kg Cara-Pils
0.30 kg Wheat Malt, Pale
0.25 kg Munich I
0.10 kg Crystal, Dark
0.10 kg Roasted Barley
18.00 gm Northern Brewer [9.40 %] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 17.1 IBU
25.00 gm Tradition [5.70 %] (30 min) Hops 10.1 IBU
40.00 gm Saaz [4.00 %] (15 min) Hops 7.3 IBU
0.35 kg Dememera Sugar
0.10 kg Candi Sugar, Dark

Yeast, 3787 or T 58.
Just about to mash in on this improvised brown ale

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Grant's Brown Again
Brewer: Grant
Style: Northern English Brown Ale
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (50.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 22.00 L
Boil Size: 27.95 L
Estimated OG: 1.051 SG
Estimated Color: 14.8 SRM
Estimated IBU: 25.2 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.45 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 92.71 %
0.30 kg Caraaroma (130.0 SRM) Grain 6.25 %
0.05 kg Chocolate Malt (450.0 SRM) Grain 1.04 %
34.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.10 %] (60 min) Hops 23.6 IBU
14.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.10 %] (5 min) Hops 1.6 IBU
1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs London Ale (Wyeast Labs #1028) Yeast-Ale

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Full Body, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 4.80 kg
Single Infusion, Full Body, Batch Sparge
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
45 min Mash In Add 12.52 L of water at 78.8 C 70.0 C




just finished a modified version of doc yard glass light and cubed it. the new urn works a treat now that ive gotten it back and the im getting use to the rest of the equipment so im hitting my volumes but not my gravities im still a little high

Recipe Overview
Target Wort Volume Before Boil: 24.00 l Actual Wort Volume Before Boil: 24.65 l
Target Wort Volume After Boil: 20.00 l Actual Wort Volume After Boil: 19.00 l
Target Volume Transferred: 20.00 l Actual Volume Transferred: 19.00 l
Target Volume At Pitching: 20.00 l Actual Volume At Pitching: 20.00 l
Target Volume Of Finished Beer: 20.00 l Actual Volume Of Finished Beer: 20.00 l
Target Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.030 SG Actual Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.037 SG
Target OG: 1.036 SG Actual OG: -No Record-
Target FG: 1.009 SG Actual FG: -No Record-
Target Apparent Attenuation:: 74.9 % Actual Apparent Attenuation: 0.0 %
Target ABV: 3.6 % Actual ABV: 0.0 %
Target ABW: 2.8 % Actual ABW: 0.0 %
Target IBU (using Tinseth): 29.4 IBU Actual IBU: 27.7 IBU
Target Color (using Morey): 3.2 SRM Actual Color: 3.2 SRM
Target Mash Efficiency: 70.0 % Actual Mash Efficiency: 88.0 %
Target Fermentation Temp: 18 degC Actual Fermentation Temp: 18 degC

Ingredient Amount % MCU When
Australian Export Pilsner Malt 3.100 kg 90.0 % 2.1 In Mash/Steeped
German Dark Wheat Malt 0.345 kg 10.0 % 0.9 In Mash/Steeped

Variety Alpha Amount IBU Form When
super pride 15.1 % 11 g 24.2 Loose Pellet Hops 60 Min From End
US Cluster 7.5 % 8 g 4.7 Loose Pellet Hops 15 Min From End
US Cluster 7.5 % 8 g 0.4 Loose Pellet Hops 1 Min From End

Other Ingredients
Ingredient Amount When
Whirlfloc Tablet 1 In Boil

DCL US-56 SafAle American Ale

Water Profile
Target Profile: No Water Profile Chosen
Mash pH: 5.2
pH Adjusted with: Unadjusted

Total Calcium (ppm): 13 Total Magnesium (ppm): 5
Total Sodium (ppm): 13 Total Sulfate (ppm): 10
Total Chloride(ppm): 27 Total Bicarbonate (ppm): 0

Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Full Mash
Schedule Name: Single Step Infusion (66C/151F)
im hitting my volumes but not my gravities im still a little high

A good situation to be in there. Can make more or use less malt I guess. Recipe looks fine as well, although Doc might be worried by the amount of late hops you are using. :p Are you really using US Cluster?
ive just adjusted the program i use to calculate to use the higher efficiency. as for the recipe i only changed the base malt to pilsner and the bittering to super pride from magnum, besides i dont mind cluster.
Busy day today got both of these made and in fermenters. Started at 7am fininshed at 1:30pm not to bad i thought

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Wheaty
Brewer: Ben Sparks
Asst Brewer:
Style: Weizen/Weissbier
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 24.50 L
Boil Size: 32.28 L
Estimated OG: 1.047 SG
Estimated Color: 7.5 EBC
Estimated IBU: 14.7 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 68.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
0.23 kg Rice Hulls (0.0 EBC) Adjunct 4.01 %
2.50 kg Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) (3.Grain 43.63 %
2.00 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) Grain 34.90 %
1.00 kg Vienna Malt (6.9 EBC) Grain 17.45 %
20.00 gm Hallertauer [6.90 %] (60 min) Hops 14.7 IBU
1 Pkgs Weihenstephan Weizen (Wyeast Labs #3068) [Yeast-Wheat

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Full Body, No Mash Out
Total Grain Weight: 5.73 kg
Single Infusion, Full Body, No Mash Out
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
90 min Mash In Add 14.94 L of water at 79.8 C 66.0 C

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Merlin IPA
Brewer: Ben Sparks
Asst Brewer:
Style: American IPA
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 24.50 L
Boil Size: 32.28 L
Estimated OG: 1.061 SG
Estimated Color: 26.6 EBC
Estimated IBU: 64.3 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 68.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
5.50 kg Pale Malt, Traditional Ale (Joe White) (5.Grain 78.80 %
0.50 kg Crystal (Joe White) (141.8 EBC) Grain 7.16 %
0.50 kg Munich 1, Light (Joe White) (17.7 EBC) Grain 7.16 %
0.45 kg Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) (3.5 EBGrain 6.45 %
0.03 kg Chocolate Malt (Thomas Fawcett) (1000.8 EBGrain 0.43 %
22.00 gm Pride of Ringwood [9.30 %] (60 min) Hops 17.9 IBU
22.00 gm Simcoe [13.00 %] (60 min) Hops 27.8 IBU
18.00 gm Simcoe [13.00 %] (15 min) Hops 11.3 IBU
18.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50 %] (15 min) Hops 7.4 IBU
30.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50 %] (0 min) Hops -
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 5.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs American Ale II (Wyeast Labs #1272) [StartYeast-Ale

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Full Body, No Mash Out
Total Grain Weight: 6.98 kg
Single Infusion, Full Body, No Mash Out
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
90 min Mash In Add 18.20 L of water at 81.2 C 66.0 C

Cheers KHB
I hope 1 of these 2 beers finds it way to the case swap.....

They look real nice mate, i should pull my finger out and brew a hefe again. Been a year since my last (and only) one.
I hope 1 of these 2 beers finds it way to the case swap.....

They look real nice mate, i should pull my finger out and brew a hefe again. Been a year since my last (and only) one.

The Heffe wont that is for a trip going away, i will bring some IPA though
Going to brew my long planned Belgian blond on the weekend. One carboy of the double batch is going to receive ~4kg of strawberries. :icon_drool2:
I just finished brewing the following Saison-

22 litres
Original Gravity: 1.060 (1.048 - 1.065)
Terminal Gravity: 1.008 (1.002 - 1.012)
Color: 5.55 (5.0 - 14.0)
Alcohol: 6.73% (5.0% - 7.0%)
Bitterness: 30.0 (20.0 - 35.0)

4.8 kg Pilsner Malt
.34 kg Wheat Malt Pale (Organic)
.34 kg Munich TYPE I
.06 kg Caramunich TYPE I
.45 kg Invert Sugar (how good does Lyles syrup taste?!)
.10 kg White Table Sugar (Sucrose)

35.0 g Hallertau Tradition (5.7%) - added during boil, boiled 60.0 min
21 g Hallertau Tradition (5.7%) - flameout

Wyeast 3726 Farmhouse Ale.
Planned for a 5am start, QLD XMAS case - Again :angry:

4.40 kg Pale Malt, Ale
0.15 kg Crystal, Dark
0.14 kg Carared
0.10 kg Roasted Barley
53.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [4.30 %] (60 min)
10.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.20 %] (40 min)
10.00 gm Styrian Goldings [4.80 %] (5 min)
5.00 gm Styrian Goldings [4.80 %] (0 min)
1 Pkgs SafAle English Ale (DCL Yeast #S-04) Yeast-Ale
Brewing on Saturday but thought i would throw the recipe out a few days prior since its the first time i have attempted to brew something outside my comofrt zone (not that i dont like having a constant supply of golden ale and landlord.....)

I have a wyeast 2000 yeast cake ready to use.

I have several kgs of weyermann vienna.

I have a pack of NS flowers.

Cant see why the combo wouldnt work but calling it an Oktoberfest is probably stretching the friendship...

Any thoughts/comments/criticisms?

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: 85 Oktoberfest
Brewer: DrSmurto
Asst Brewer:
Style: Oktoberfest/Marzen
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 20.00 L
Boil Size: 29.96 L
Estimated OG: 1.050 SG
Estimated Color: 16.1 EBC
Estimated IBU: 28.8 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.30 kg Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 94.51 %
0.25 kg Caramunich II (Weyermann) (124.1 EBC) Grain 5.49 %
10.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [11.00 %] (60 min) Hops 13.0 IBU
20.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [11.00 %] (20 min) Hops 15.8 IBU
20.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [11.00 %] (15 min) (Aroma HHops -
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Budvar Lager (Wyeast Labs #2000) Yeast-Lager

Mash Schedule: Decoction Mash, Single
Total Grain Weight: 4.55 kg
Decoction Mash, Single
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
20 min Protein Rest Add 14.00 L of water at 56.5 C 52.0 C
60 min Saccharification Decoct 5.02 L of mash and boil it 66.0 C
10 min Mash Out Add 12.00 L of water at 94.1 C 78.0 C
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