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I am planning on doing a Traditional Bock on Sunday. Here is a .pdf file of the preview of my recipe. I made a starter of 3.84 liters of wort, with two tubes of bock yeast. I usually pitch cold and let it slowly rise. I set my refrigerator at 6 C, and then change the temp to 9 C after I put the batch in. I use a lot of oxygen with a lager. I will see signs of fermentation in about 24 - 36 hours, but with cold pitching, it can be fermenting and it takes longer to show signs. I have done this procedure a lot, and it works great, and tastes very similar to the imported german lagers. I am predicting a 1.070 gravity.

I will do a single step mash at 67C

Since I am from the USA, I hope the temps are correct in celcius, but I used an online calculator to convert them.

Happy Brewing.


View attachment Preview_of__Ur_Bock_oder_Der_Bock_.pdf
Brewing a festbier this morning, inspired by the ANHC beer the Fosters boys brewed up for the conference.

48% Weyermann Pils
48% Weyermann Munich II
4% Weyermann Caramunich I
Mash at 65 to 1.052
22 IBUs of NB at 60min
1.2g/l Hal Mit plugs at 20min
Total IBUs 26
Wyeast 2206, nice and cold for a few weeks
Knocking out my NSW Xmas swap beer

The Belgian Rye Dubbel

Belgian Rye Dubbel

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 40.00 Wort Size (L): 40.00
Total Grain (kg): 12.85
Anticipated OG: 1.073 Plato: 17.66
Anticipated EBC: 24.0
Anticipated IBU: 28.0
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
38.9 5.00 kg. TF Pale Rye Malt UK 1.036 8
27.2 3.50 kg. IMC Pilsner Australia 1.038 3
23.3 3.00 kg. Weyermann Wheat Dark Germany 1.037 18
7.8 1.00 kg. Rice Gulls Australia 1.000 0
2.3 0.30 kg. TF Crystal Rye UK 1.031 180
0.4 0.05 kg. Weyermann Carafa Special I Germany 1.036 850

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
48.00 g. Styrian Goldings Pellet 9.80 26.0 45 min.
20.00 g. Czech Saaz Pellet 4.50 2.0 10 min.
30.00 g. Czech Saaz Pellet 4.50 0.0 0 min.


WYeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity
I'm planning to put down a basic hefe next week. The plan then is to dump a Pikantus clone onto the yeastcake.
How does this look for a hefe? Any comments would be welcome.

2700.00 gm Wheat (4.0 EBC) Grain 53.47 %
1900.00 gm Premium Pilsner (2.5 EBC) Grain 37.62 %
450.00 gm Munich 2 (25.0 EBC) Grain 8.91 %
5.00 gm Sterling [5.90 %] (60 min) Hops 3.2 IBU
20.00 gm Spalt [4.00 %] (60 min) Hops 8.6 IBU
5.00 gm Chalk - Calcium Carbonate CaCO
39.00 L Port Macquarie Water
1 Pkgs Weizen (Wyeast #Weihenstephan 3068) Yeast-Wheat

Mash at about 65 to 66C.
I see you bought some Premium Pils malt too :icon_cheers:

The recipe seems pretty good to me.
The Munich malt may make the brew a little dark for style, but a little more malty and tasty. Perhaps more of a Dunkelweizen than a "Hefe" style. Please pm me with the results.

Knocking out my NSW Xmas swap beer

Is it that time already? I better get started on my project beer too. I need more fermentors if I don't bottle the London Pride clone today. Only 5 on the go until I rack the JSGA K&K "drinker" onto dry hop. Then the American wheat can go on to the sediment/cake. Then it'll be 6 fermentors (English Pale, Ordinary Bitter, Golden Ale, Altbier, Witbier and Am wheat). Mild ale bottled yesterday. That's what I'm brewing. Dampfbier and Hoey Grand Cru to come, and an American Amber. Oh, and the NSW case beer. More kegs required and ordered from lhbs.
To Mr Goatherder: See you at the ANHC. I met an old (not old as such, but long-time) friend at the brew shop on Thursday and he's going as well. Should be an experience to remember.
Just turned on the pump to recirc through the HERMS.

MMmmmmmmmmm :unsure:

Think recirculating mobil 1 through porridge
Methinks its time for a Devo Green Bullet Ale.
Just chrushed the grain.

OOps offer to go fishing/drinking, I'll mash tomorrow ;)
Just put in the third version of my PNAU cider, smelt tops going into the fermenter

24L preservative free apple juice
4.4 kg strawberry flesh (18 punnets worth)

Ferment at 18 with US-56

The last of our end of uni brews to be bottled once its ready. It'll be joining 50L of ginger beer for our graduation trip to the coast B)

Now all I have to do is pass the final exams...
I am planning on doing a Traditional Bock on Sunday. Here is a .pdf file of the preview of my recipe. I made a starter of 3.84 liters of wort, with two tubes of bock yeast. I usually pitch cold and let it slowly rise. I set my refrigerator at 6 C, and then change the temp to 9 C after I put the batch in. I use a lot of oxygen with a lager. I will see signs of fermentation in about 24 - 36 hours, but with cold pitching, it can be fermenting and it takes longer to show signs. I have done this procedure a lot, and it works great, and tastes very similar to the imported german lagers. I am predicting a 1.070 gravity.

I will do a single step mash at 67C

Since I am from the USA, I hope the temps are correct in celcius, but I used an online calculator to convert them.

Happy Brewing.


Looks the goods Erik, what's your mash schedule, notice the melanoidin in there, so no decoction right?

Belgian Pale Ale slated for tomorrow.

Many thanks to Tidalpete for the Leuven Pale Ale yeast. You're a legend Pete! The starter took off like a rocket. :)

I'll probably be putting a dubbel on the yeastcake. :beerbang:

Het speciale aal van Leuven

A ProMash Recipe Report

BJCP Style and Style Guidelines

16-B Belgian & French Ale, Belgian Pale Ale

Min OG: 1.048 Max OG: 1.054
Min IBU: 20 Max IBU: 30
Min Clr: 20 Max Clr: 36 Color in EBC

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 45.00 Wort Size (L): 45.00
Total Grain (kg): 9.50
Anticipated OG: 1.055 Plato: 13.67
Anticipated EBC: 24.4
Anticipated IBU: 26.2
Brewhouse Efficiency: 83 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
10.5 1.00 kg. Weyermann Caraamber Germany 1.037 93
68.4 6.50 kg. BB Ale Malt Australia 1.038 8
21.1 2.00 kg. Weyermann Munich II Germany 1.038 31

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
45.00 g. Hallertauer Mittelfruh Pellet 5.70 18.2 60 min.
20.00 g. Styrian Golding Pellet 2.30 3.3 60 min.
35.00 g. Hallertauer Mittelfruh Pellet 5.70 3.8 15 min.
20.00 g. Styrian Golding Pellet 2.30 0.9 15 min.


Amount Name Type Time
0.00 Oz Irish Moss Fining 15 Min.(boil)


Wyeast 3538 Leuven Pale Ale

Warren -
at the moment doing my last Hefeweizen for this year, wintertime is coming soon.

will give em an extra kick, aiming an OG of 1054

batch size: 60l

mash in at 40C
8kg wheat malt
4kg pilsener malt
into 40l of water.

1. batch sparge will be 28l of water
2. fly sparge another 16l of water

1. rest at 42C for 15min. (ferulic acid rest)
2. rest at 63C for 30min. (beta amylase rest)
3. rest at 72C for 30min. (alpha amylase rest)
heat up to 78C and mashout

75g of Hallertauer Perle added when the boil begins. 90min boil.

Im awaiting to get around 65 to 68 liters of wort in the end.
Everything thats over 60l Im gonna freeze for the next yeast starter.

oooops, have to get back to the brew, lautering....
Double brewday tomorrow.
Starting of with a lambic. I'm going into the world of bugs...

Planning on topping up the usual 23L with water to get two 18L batches.
Half to be fermented straight with lambic blend, half with 3522 which will then get lambic blend and maybe some Orval dregs and other stuff when I get it...

Recipe: Silence of the Lambics
Brewer: Mooshells
Asst Brewer:
Style: Straight (Unblended) Lambic
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 36.00 L
Boil Size: 35.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.050 SG
Estimated Color: 7.1 EBC
Estimated IBU: 14.1 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
100.00 gm Rice Gulls (0.0 EBC) Adjunct 1.18 %
5800.00 gm Pale Malt, Galaxy (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EGrain 68.24 %
2400.00 gm Wheat, Flaked (3.2 EBC) Grain 28.24 %
200.00 gm Carahell (Weyermann) (27.0 EBC) Grain 2.35 %
50.00 gm Pacific Hallertau [5.80 %] (45 min) Hops 14.1 IBU

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Full Body, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 8650.00 gm
Single Infusion, Full Body, Batch Sparge
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
45 min Mash In Add 22.54 L of water at 77.0 C 70.0 C
This will be followed up by an American Amber Ale.

Recipe: DC AAA
Brewer: Mooshells
Asst Brewer:
Style: American Amber Ale
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 22.00 L
Boil Size: 35.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.052 SG
Estimated Color: 27.2 EBC
Estimated IBU: 35.8 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 70 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3500.00 gm Pale Malt - Perle (6.3 EBC) Grain 65.12 %
1200.00 gm Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 22.33 %
350.00 gm Carared (Weyermann) (47.3 EBC) Grain 6.51 %
125.00 gm Amber Malt (85.0 EBC) Grain 2.33 %
125.00 gm Caramunich II (Weyermann) (124.1 EBC) Grain 2.33 %
75.00 gm Pale Chocolate Malt (Thomas Fawcett) (689.Grain 1.40 %
15.00 gm D Saaz [4.40 %] (Dry Hop 4 days) Hops -
15.00 gm Cascade [6.30 %] (Dry Hop 4 days) Hops -
5.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (45 min) Hops 7.1 IBU
15.00 gm D Saaz [4.40 %] (20 min) Hops 4.9 IBU
15.00 gm Cascade [6.30 %] (20 min) Hops 7.0 IBU
15.00 gm D Saaz [4.40 %] (15 min) Hops 4.0 IBU
15.00 gm Cascade [6.30 %] (15 min) Hops 5.7 IBU
15.00 gm Cascade [6.30 %] (10 min) Hops 4.2 IBU
15.00 gm D Saaz [4.40 %] (10 min) Hops 2.9 IBU
1 Pkgs Northwest Ale (Wyeast Labs #1332) Yeast-Ale

Mash Schedule: My Mash Medium Body
Total Grain Weight: 5375.00 gm
My Mash Medium Body
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
60 min Mash In Add 16.13 L of water at 71.5 C 66.0 C
10 min Mash Out Add 7.52 L of water at 98.8 C 75.6 C
Weighing out those hops should keep your visitors/helpers/observers busy. :D
Ok, doing second BIAB tomorrow so I figure I can post here...

Its is basically adamt's Bohemian blonde:

Recipe Overview
Wort Volume Before Boil: 32.00 l Wort Volume After Boil: 25.00 l
Volume Transferred: 25.00 l Water Added To Fermenter: 0.00 l
Volume At Pitching: 25.00 l Volume Of Finished Beer: 25.00 l
Expected Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.039 SG Expected OG: 1.050 SG
Expected FG: 1.012 SG Apparent Attenuation: 74.9 %
Expected ABV: 5.0 % Expected ABW: 3.9 %
Expected IBU (using Tinseth): 27.2 IBU Expected Color (using Morey): 6.6 EBC
BU:GU ratio: 0.55 Approx Color:
Mash Efficiency: 65.0 %
Boil Duration: 60.0 mins
Fermentation Temperature: 18 degC

Ingredient Amount % MCU When
German Pilsner Malt 5.500 kg 90.2 % 2.4 In Mash/Steeped
German Wheat Malt 0.600 kg 9.8 % 0.3 In Mash/Steeped

Variety Alpha Amount IBU Form When
UK Golding 6.5 % 20 g 14.6 Loose Pellet Hops 60 Min From End
NZ B Saaz 7.0 % 20 g 9.5 Loose Pellet Hops 20 Min From End
NZ B Saaz 7.0 % 20 g 3.1 Loose Pellet Hops 5 Min From End

And of course my old friend - US05!!

Gonna try to find time for brewing this weekend - need to christen new RIMS unit. Decided to brew a beer that will hide any scorching it may or may not do. I'm on holidays in a few weeks and I don't wanna know!! A double IPA that I might just manage to have ready for ANHC club night - just gonna have to be a sad lonely club of one.

Whatever this monstrosity turns out like - it shouldn't lack flavour of some description, probably hoppy.

PS - Ultra Late Hopping is using the French Press method described in the September BYO to extract flavour and aroma, but I only steep for 1-5mins.

NIIIICE add the to the must taste list thirsty! One Weekend soon?
Warming up here so time for a weizen. First time trying out the Danstar wheat yeast.

09-30 Weizen

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 40.00
Total Grain (kg): 8.75
Anticipated OG: 1.053 Plato: 13.15
Anticipated SRM: 4.8
Anticipated IBU: 15.0
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
57.1 5.00 kg. JWM Wheat Malt Australia 1.040 2
28.6 2.50 kg. JWM Export Pilsner Australia 1.037 2
14.3 1.25 kg. JWM Light Munich Australia 1.038 10

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
60.00 g. Tettnanger Tettnang Pellet 4.00 15.0 60 min.


Danstar Munich
Warming up here so time for a weizen. First time trying out the Danstar wheat yeast.

Should maybe call it the Fibonacci Wheat :p

Apart from the lack of Fibonacci-ness, looks tasty! (unless I'm obviously missing something)
Looks the goods Erik, what's your mash schedule, notice the melanoidin in there, so no decoction right?



You are right. I am not doing a decoction. I am trying this for the first time and will determine if I should or not next time. I will do a single step infusion for 60 minutes at 67.2 C or 153 F.

I will let you know how the brewday went.

Heres my "Oh crap Im running out of time and need something to drink Oktoberfest" beer.

Munich Ale

Type: All Grain
Date: 22/09/2008
Batch Size: 30.00 L
Brewer: Jye
Boil Size: 37.00 L Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 90 min Equipment:


Amount Item Type % or IBU

6.00 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 100.0 %

20.00 gm Magnum [13.10%] (60 min) Hops 21.8 IBU
26.00 gm Mt. Hood [4.20%] (20 min) Hops 5.5 IBU

0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 5.0 min) Misc
1.30 tsp Salt (Boil 90.0 min) Misc
6.50 gm 5.2 (Mash 90.0 min) Misc

1 Pkgs Safale American US-56 Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.051 SG
Measured Original Gravity: 1.000 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.012 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.000 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.0 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 0.0 %
Bitterness: 27.3 IBU Calories: -4 cal/l
Est Color: 16.0 EBC Color: Color

Mash Profile

Mash Name: SK Brew Hous Mash Total Grain Weight: 6.00 kg
Sparge Water: 29.01 L Grain Temperature: 25.0 C
Sparge Temperature: 100.0 C TunTemperature: 25.0 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE Mash PH: 5.4 PH

Name Description Step Temp Step Time
Mash In Add 15.00 L of water at 71.1 C 65.0 C 90 min
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