what apps do you use?

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Ringwood, Melbourne
I downloaded beercalc for the phone, which TBH is mostly what I use round the brewery(phone). The app is free and has 5 timers which I can set for either step mashing or the hop schedule.. It ain't fancy but I like it, I've tried many of the others out there and rekon this one suits my process down to the ground.. God knows how many timers I've tried over the last year...
I use an App to work out how many litres are in my pot with a ruler.
I think it is a tank volume calculator.

Other than that I use brewmate on a laptop to do the rest.

I use the beersmith lite app on my iphone. It's a watered down version of the proper beersmith but has all the useful tools, conversions and calculators at your fingertips.

If you use the Cloud option for copying your recipes etc it's handy having all the water temps, mash & boil timers etc with you instead of on the computer. Think it was about $5 for the app but i've spent more on a beer so well worth it in my opinion.

I use the Aldi app which lets me know when good stuff is coming up on special.
I use Brewmate, it's free, but it hasn't been updated in a while and is missing a lot of different hops/grains. People talk about Beersmith but I think you need some kind of NASA engineering degree to use that program.

I dont need fancy ($) apps or calcs for water temps, I use a herms and all of my temps are controlled.. I use Brewmate to formulate recipies (remids me to use the donate button again) and essentially wing it from there, my eff. is pretty stable and I usually get to within a point or 2 of expected... usually over by those points or two if anything.. what Ive always needed is a good timer..

a timer with 5 slots is ideal for my AIPA / APA obsession and good for anything else I tend to want to brew..

different strokes for different folks and one mans aldi timer is another mans black and decker B)
Brewzor mainly for the refractometer conversion feature, and brew timer for the, er...timer.
I like Royal Gala the best. :p
Yob said:
I downloaded beercalc for the phone, which TBH is mostly what I use round the brewery(phone). The app is free and has 5 timers which I can set for either step mashing or the hop schedule.. It ain't fancy but I like it, I've tried many of the others out there and rekon this one suits my process down to the ground.. God knows how many timers I've tried over the last year...
Yob is this beercalc for the Iphone or Android? I couldn't find it for IOS? I use brewcalc for its refractometer conversion but could do with something that has timers. I use brewmate but it doesnt have stepped mash timers so currently have to keep resetting the phones timer.
I normally use brew timer for my timer as it lets you put in what ever steps you want
BrewR for making up recipes etc, Homebrew Calculator for strike temps. Both free downloads and pretty basic, but so is my brewing... HB Calc has a mash/ boil timer but found it a pita to use so get old school with pencil & paper and use the timer on my phone. Haven't tried the boil timer since app upgrade so may work better now.
Diesel80 said:
I use an App to work out how many litres are in my pot with a ruler.
I think it is a tank volume calculator.

Other than that I use brewmate on a laptop to do the rest.

Dude, V=(pi)r2h
Here I am wondering what ever happened to Promash (a few years ago it was either BS or PM)

*Checked the website*

For Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, Win 2000 and Win XP
(compatible with Mac using Virtual PC, and Linux using Wine)


ProMash is a registered trademark of The Sausalito Brewing Co.
All material on this website is Copyright © 1998 - 2009 by The Sausalito Brewing Co.

Seems like the developers had given up at least 5 years ago. :huh:
I use my brain.
Better than any ap on fancy piece of electronic equipment.
I can't use aps on my mobile, haven't changed it in 5 years.

I do use BeerSmith2 for recipe design and keeping records.
warra48 said:
I use my brain.

I do use BeerSmith2 for recipe design and keeping records.
So, what is it the brain does? Reads stuff the eyes see on brewday? BS2 is still doing your calculations.

Brain is taking a lil' well deserved vacay, yo.
slash22000 said:
I use Brewmate, it's free, but it hasn't been updated in a while and is missing a lot of different hops/grains. People talk about Beersmith but I think you need some kind of NASA engineering degree to use that program.
I also use Brewmate and you can update the grains and hops yourself if need be.

Too many people just want things done for them. I don't see a need for updates if it is only to include additional ingredients myself.
warra48 said:
I do use BeerSmith2 for recipe design and keeping records.
Same here. Had a cursory look a few brewing apps and really didn't see any benefits. Once I have my recipe, I have my target numbers, then I just work out my additions and use a clock as a timer.
I do like iTunes or Plex to listen/watch something on the iPad if I'm on my lonesome, but have been known to dig out a book.
I never touch a drop until it's all packed away though, can't handle beer and brewing. :ph34r:

The apps I did look at where all thoroughly underwhelming but ymmv
Anyone know of a beer calc app for WM6? I have an old HTC HD2 running WM6.5, which I know is out of date (and I know I can change that to WP7 or even Android, but there's not really any need). I really need something simple to do calculations on the fly, like brix to SG, SG temp corrections, hop IBU contributions, that sort of thing.

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