Hi All.
Water chemistry is something I have wanted to tinker with for some time but its always seemed too complex and I have never had an accurate test on my water so I never bothered. Now this has all changed and here is why/how:
>> I read and re read palmers How to Brew Water Chemistry section about 5 times (seriously).
>> I read and re read Noonan's New brewing Lager Beer Water Chemistry about 3 times (seriously).
>> I Sourced a copy of that Excel water calculator tool and had a fiddle with it just to see how the results changed.
Now for the main part...
>> I found this link on Youtube:
In this link he speaks of a US company named 'Ward Labs' (Google it - it comes up first hit). He speaks of how they doing a 'Brewing water test'. I (on my awesome cheap ass voip phone) called Ward labs immediatley to discuss. I organised a test with them. I sent a 600ml bottle of my tap water over to them (it cost me $40 to send it because it looked like a bomb but it arrived over there in less then one week). They then ran a brewers test on it, sent me the results via email and then billed me a peasly $16.50 US (Which was $15.80 AU!!! :icon_cheers: )
Anyone who lives in Craigieburn, these are the results they gave me (it was formatted much better then this in the PDF that arrived):
pH 7.0
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Est 49
Electrical Conductivity, mmho/cm 0.08
Cations / Anions, me/L 0.5 / 0.5
Sodium, Na 5
Potassium, K < 1
Calcium, Ca 3
Magnesium, Mg 1
Total Hardness, CaCO3 12
Nitrate, NO3-N 0.2 (SAFE)
Sulfate, SO4-S < 1
Chloride, Cl 7
Carbonate, CO3 < 1
Bicarbonate, HCO3 12
Total Alkalinity, CaCO3 10
"<" - Not Detected / Below Detection Limit
Now I have an accurate report on my water - Specific to my house and my tap. With the help of the Excel sheet water calculator, the youtube link and ward labs I know now that I am on my way to better beer. It cost me ~$55. I am pretty bloody happy with this I must say. I hope that this can help others out there who are wanting to get better results and more flexibility in the styles they can brew.
Finally, this test confirmed that Melbourne water is BLOODY soft. Im not expert but Id have to say Im happy about this. Surely soft water can easily be made harder but I doubt the converse of this statement is true.
Anyhow questions and comments of course are more then welcome.
Cheers. :icon_chickcheers:
Water chemistry is something I have wanted to tinker with for some time but its always seemed too complex and I have never had an accurate test on my water so I never bothered. Now this has all changed and here is why/how:
>> I read and re read palmers How to Brew Water Chemistry section about 5 times (seriously).
>> I read and re read Noonan's New brewing Lager Beer Water Chemistry about 3 times (seriously).
>> I Sourced a copy of that Excel water calculator tool and had a fiddle with it just to see how the results changed.
Now for the main part...
>> I found this link on Youtube:
In this link he speaks of a US company named 'Ward Labs' (Google it - it comes up first hit). He speaks of how they doing a 'Brewing water test'. I (on my awesome cheap ass voip phone) called Ward labs immediatley to discuss. I organised a test with them. I sent a 600ml bottle of my tap water over to them (it cost me $40 to send it because it looked like a bomb but it arrived over there in less then one week). They then ran a brewers test on it, sent me the results via email and then billed me a peasly $16.50 US (Which was $15.80 AU!!! :icon_cheers: )
Anyone who lives in Craigieburn, these are the results they gave me (it was formatted much better then this in the PDF that arrived):
pH 7.0
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Est 49
Electrical Conductivity, mmho/cm 0.08
Cations / Anions, me/L 0.5 / 0.5
Sodium, Na 5
Potassium, K < 1
Calcium, Ca 3
Magnesium, Mg 1
Total Hardness, CaCO3 12
Nitrate, NO3-N 0.2 (SAFE)
Sulfate, SO4-S < 1
Chloride, Cl 7
Carbonate, CO3 < 1
Bicarbonate, HCO3 12
Total Alkalinity, CaCO3 10
"<" - Not Detected / Below Detection Limit
Now I have an accurate report on my water - Specific to my house and my tap. With the help of the Excel sheet water calculator, the youtube link and ward labs I know now that I am on my way to better beer. It cost me ~$55. I am pretty bloody happy with this I must say. I hope that this can help others out there who are wanting to get better results and more flexibility in the styles they can brew.
Finally, this test confirmed that Melbourne water is BLOODY soft. Im not expert but Id have to say Im happy about this. Surely soft water can easily be made harder but I doubt the converse of this statement is true.
Anyhow questions and comments of course are more then welcome.
Cheers. :icon_chickcheers:
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