Wakkatoo's Brew Shed

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If your worried about condensation from the boil you could always install an exhaust fan.

:icon_cheers: SJ
Well, time for an update:

I'm quickly learning to not trust a thing the builder says! Lucky I know them :lol:

Today there was FINALLY some movement on the house - footing trenches got dug.

Of course it would decide to rain today as well!!
As for the shed, well, no movement on that but a start on the house gets me closer to the shed.

In addition to that, had a heap of gear arrive in the last couple of days so get to set the AG gear all up tonight. Just waiting on an Urn. Brew frame metal has ben bought, measured and will be cut and assembled when I get some spare time in the coming weeks!
Good work Wakkatoo,

Ive been waiting in anticipation for you to do an AG Brew... :rolleyes: ****, I remember when I wanted to have a look at 1(AG Brew) being done and you popped up and said you'd be keen to have a look aswell...

That was about 13 AG brews ago now for me.... :p

:icon_cheers: CB
Yeah, tell me about it! Moving interstate, new jobs, building a house, and lack of frickin room at this place has kept it away from me.

Soon tho, very soon ^_^
What a difference some fine weather makes!

Some good progress made on the house.


Every brick laid, nail hammered and joist fixed gets me closer to the shed :p

On the brewery front, frame is made waiting for a paint and some shelving (this weekend). Urn is still yet to arrive - easier to spend a little on a lot than the other way around!
Meh, haven't touched this thread in a while as I haven't been brewing :(

A heap of ingredients arrived at the postoffice today from grain and grape in order for me to brew my virgin AG. Of course I got the notification after it had shut so gotta wait till monday to pick it up :angry:

Anyhoo, here is an update on the house...


And here is the main deck...


If anyone is handy on Photoshop etc, feel free to have a go at designing my outdoor bar that will go up against the wall :D Gotta have a bbq, prep area (inc sink) and 4-way flooded font.

Was hoping to be in to watch the AFL GF but looking like its gonna be another 2 week after that. Better be soon as I'm itchin for some regular brew days!!
Yeah, Yeah, Zombie thread, I know.

Lot of water has passed through the brewery since that last pic and it would seem that, fingers crossed, the shed frame will start to go up tomorrow and with everything going to plan, completed by Christmas. Just a lazy 2 years over due. I could use some adjectives to give a better picture of my view on the builders, but I can't think of any that would not end up with this thread deleted, me on an indefinate AHB ban and Gordon Ramsay telling me to 'keep it clean' :lol:

I'd post a pic but its just a concrete slab at the moment. Oh, and the size changed slightly too - 3 bay shed, 9m x 9m.
Yeah mate, looks a whole lot different to that. Probably because we did the landscaping (and continue to do so)
dont forget to take some piccies on the way :super:

I ferkin love me shed, it's getting a face lift early next year.. gunna be mental..

Youre not a real man unless ya got a shed... and possibly a beard :D

Damn they worked quick. Construction crew turned up at 3pm Wednesday. By 5.30 when they knocked off it looked like this:


Back at 7am the following morning and at 5.15 yesterday afternoon they handed me the keys. 12 working hours all up. :beerbang:


Merry Christmas to me :drinks:
Looks good Wakka and just in time to enjoy for Xmas! :beerbang:

I'm looking at something similar for my place (hopefully soon) - can you give me a rough idea on the cost (slab & shed)?


Next stage is to get power to the shed and hook up the gutters so its all legit and in readiness for the tank.

Had it all marked out and the contractor turned up and started before I had a chance to move the trailer. Now I need the damn thing tomorrow to collect the conduit I need <_< . Lucky I have slaves children to help me get it out.
Only one word for all this sheddy goodness....

" :super: "

Oh, and " :icon_chickcheers: "

So two words!

Looks great mate!
If you don't mind me asking how much does a shed like that set you back?

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