Hi all
I was recently flicking through a NZ brewing magazine in Queenstown airport and saw a recipe that I wanted to try so took a sneaky pic. I've got all my ingredients and know basically what I'm going to do but have a question about the addition of the coffee, cinnamon and chocolate. I've done plenty of BIAB brews but not done a stout before. I've attached the pic but the recipe is basically this with my additions or questions in italics:
OG- 1.062
FG- 1.016
IBU- 32
SRM/EBC- 30/60
%ABV- 6.3%
Mash: (couldn't find specified malts so replaced with what's in the brackets)
-5kg Briess Pale Ale malt
-450g Caramel 40L malt (replaced with Wyermann Caramunich II)
-450g Caramel 80L malt (replaced with Simpsons Crystal malt dark)
-225g Briess Carabrown Malt 55L (replaced with Simpsons Crystal malt medium)
-225g Briess Dark Choc Malt 400L (replaced with Simpsons Chocolate malt)
-225g Roast Barley 300L (replaced with Wyermanns carafa special 3 as it's de-husked)
Hop Schedule:
30g Centennial (10.5%) @ 60min.
Recommended Water Profile (ppm) I've never played with water chemistry and not sure how to get my water tested other than the Total alk and Cl which I can do with pool testing equipment??
Ca- 75-125
Mg- 20
Total Alk= 100 -150
SO4- 100-150
Cl- 100-150
RA- 50-100
Interesting it doesn't mention pH?
Spice Schedule: (this is the bit I'm not sure of)
-10g Ceylon cinnamon ground (stand time- add?)
-225g Cocoa powder (stand time- add?)
-225g coarse ground espresso- (stand time- 15)
So, with that spice schedule, I've been reading here https://byo.com/article/brewing-with-coffee/ and will add a cold steeped coffee in the secondary rather than using ground coffee in the boil to avoid excess bitterness. Not sure about the cinnamon and cocoa though? Would that be added at the end of the boil? Maybe it doesn't matter?
Interested to hear anyone's opinions and/or suggestions.
I was recently flicking through a NZ brewing magazine in Queenstown airport and saw a recipe that I wanted to try so took a sneaky pic. I've got all my ingredients and know basically what I'm going to do but have a question about the addition of the coffee, cinnamon and chocolate. I've done plenty of BIAB brews but not done a stout before. I've attached the pic but the recipe is basically this with my additions or questions in italics:
OG- 1.062
FG- 1.016
IBU- 32
SRM/EBC- 30/60
%ABV- 6.3%
Mash: (couldn't find specified malts so replaced with what's in the brackets)
-5kg Briess Pale Ale malt
-450g Caramel 40L malt (replaced with Wyermann Caramunich II)
-450g Caramel 80L malt (replaced with Simpsons Crystal malt dark)
-225g Briess Carabrown Malt 55L (replaced with Simpsons Crystal malt medium)
-225g Briess Dark Choc Malt 400L (replaced with Simpsons Chocolate malt)
-225g Roast Barley 300L (replaced with Wyermanns carafa special 3 as it's de-husked)
Hop Schedule:
30g Centennial (10.5%) @ 60min.
Recommended Water Profile (ppm) I've never played with water chemistry and not sure how to get my water tested other than the Total alk and Cl which I can do with pool testing equipment??
Ca- 75-125
Mg- 20
Total Alk= 100 -150
SO4- 100-150
Cl- 100-150
RA- 50-100
Interesting it doesn't mention pH?
Spice Schedule: (this is the bit I'm not sure of)
-10g Ceylon cinnamon ground (stand time- add?)
-225g Cocoa powder (stand time- add?)
-225g coarse ground espresso- (stand time- 15)
So, with that spice schedule, I've been reading here https://byo.com/article/brewing-with-coffee/ and will add a cold steeped coffee in the secondary rather than using ground coffee in the boil to avoid excess bitterness. Not sure about the cinnamon and cocoa though? Would that be added at the end of the boil? Maybe it doesn't matter?
Interested to hear anyone's opinions and/or suggestions.