Victory Malt - Tasting

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Hi guys. I got a kg of victory malt a few months back and as always I chew a handful. However it was not a crunchy as other malts, it seemed a little softer to the bite, maybe a little rubbery??? Just not a crisp as others. It smells and tastes OK.

Has anyone else chewed victory and can comment on the "chew".
From memory it should as crunchy as regular and spec malts. It's kinda like Amber or Biscuit, sort of, and they all are/should be crunchy if fresh.
If it's not I'd be a little dubious of how well it's aged. Could air &/or moisture have gotten into it?
However if you think it tastes fine it's still probably ok to use, just don't leave it too long.
Yep, sounds like the moisture content is too high which can lead to mustiness.

Stick it in a 100C oven for 15 minutes with the door slightly ajar
Should be like any other malt. Where did you get it and how have you stored it since?
Just had a look at the Briess Blurb, They are saying moisture should be 2.5%, which is on the dry end of the typical malt moisture range.
Just out of interest I had a taste of the Toffee malt from Gladfield, it is running 7.5% moisture, comes with a warning to mix it with other malt before milling. Being that wet, I think there is a fair chance that milled on its own it would turn into a paste and wrap itself around the rolls.
Have to find out why they package it so moist, usually over 6% would be an invitation to grow mold.

As labels said dry it out if you intend to keep it for any length of time - and I would change malt suppliers
Yep, Victory should definitely be crisp and crunchy. In my first malt bulk buy I bought half a sack :D It's always funny looking back at my early malt purchases.

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