Hi Guys,
I'm going to jump-in without a safety net here & rely on my memory, which is.....erm....I can't remember why (but it's bad!).
The Belgians definitely only had two judges on one table & three on the other on Saturday morning. That was expanded to another table of three for the arvo, as judges became available. That'd be why you'll see a "Phantom" third scoresheet, as it's an average of the two judges at the table = the third judge.
That category is a really tough gig & we had VERY experienced judges on all 3 tables, so you can be assured your feedback is coming from some of the best available. My only beef is that the ONLY Biere De Garde entered got 1st place (AGAIN!!!!). I tasted it & berated the judges for high-scoring what I considered a poor example of the style & Mike G. referred me back to the style guidelines that provided quite a wide scope. I ate crow........
There were a few no-shows from expected judges

, so it's possible that an aggregate (ie. "Phantom") judge had to be created for some tables. Whatever the wash-up, please enjoy & learn from the feedback you got from the available judges.
If you got feedback that your beer was poor, take it on-board & learn from it. Improve your brewing.
Above all, RDWHAHB!
Edit: PS - Thanks to the bloke that put in several entries & didn't pay for them & didn't respond to emails or phonecalls. That's instant disqualification! We drank them as we were sorting the entries on the Friday morning. Some of them were actually pretty good!