Ok tasting notes from the other day
9 Hair of the dog - cumquat wheat
Clear Fluffy head, attractive looking summer wheat
Full flavoured but balanced kumquat
Really enjoyed it
17 Kleiny Weizen
Nice Clove, very pleasant, one minor thing i would consider changing, is it tasted a trifle cloying maybe some more tartness or bitterness? Thats probably the only thing I would have done to make it more to my taste, but this was a seriously good weizen.
Nice one
10 Superhero - Belgian Wit
Fruity nose with what seemed like curry
Tasted like cardamom and citrus, had a funny mouthfeel(phenols?), I think just because of the spices that have been used to flavour this.
Probably would have been a great beer with less spices added.
7 Chris Taylor - Mild
I must admit when I tasted this the roastiness turned me off, however i persevered and after the 3rd mouthfull my mouth had warmed up to it and kept on enjoying it more and more as I got through the bottle. It's not a style I've ever tried before but i'm guessing its a pommie session ale and I can see why, very drinkeable, nice melding of toffee and roast flavours.
23 johnno - American Pale Ale
Nice balanced beer, Very enjoyeable example! thanks a lot
25 beerDingo - pale ale - All Grain - Galaxy hops -
Nice honey smell however would have struggled to pick this as an APA, seems like a good base apa maybe just some more late hops, I'd probably dry it out a bit more for my taste, but that's for my taste.
24 apd - ??
Sorry dude something seemed terribly wrong with this one. infected? horribly oxidised?
12 mortz - Australian Pale Ale
Smelt a bit banana-ish but tasted great, did you use recultured Coopers?. Nice example of an AusPA
22 Leigh - Pale Ale
Wow Passionfruit!

As mentioned before though there was a strange taste and dryness to the beer that makes me think you might have had a wild yeast infection, that has dryed it out more than it should have and thrown out some slight tartness. Have you retasted a bottle lately?
14 mcook - Belgian Pale Ale
On the right track, I think the yeast has just kept on chewing away at this one though, dryed it out a lot and carbed it up extra high. Smelt like the duvel strain to me, i guess i'll check later. just one of those things that can happen with those voracious belgian yeasts.
21 Wardhog - Great Aussie BlandAle
Wow, we got halfway through the glass before we realised we were drinking it, inoffensive, I think you succeeded!
how has the beer gone over with your friends?
1 Reg - Golden Ale
Crisp, dry, picked up a touch of peach/apricot, sorry thats all I wrote down about this one.
Cheers for the beers guys, some crackers in there