Vic X-mas In July 2009 Tasting Thread

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Fents 2 - Bitsa Pale Ale
Fents has this last night. but i then had quite a few more so i dont remember anything else other than it being a great beer. great carbonation. great flavour. would loved to have had another couple.
Ive got about 400kg of grain atm and woudltn you know it, no carafoam or carared. otherwise ive got everything else for this recipe.
its from the recent bulk buy. and what am i going to do with it....make beer of course! im planning on some hard core brewing soon. besides it sets me up for a while. ive got a heap of base and specialty grains now.
He heard the voices "If you brew it, they will come...." now where did that tin foil hat go? ;)

Cheers SJ
Please no, no more references to bad 80's movies starring Kevin Costner.

I still haven't forgiven myself for wasting 3 hours of my life watching The Postman.
ok still working my through the swap .. been a bit slack and not taking notes ... here is what a remember over the last month or so:

14. Hutch - California Common

Really nice beer, reminded me a lot of Hairofthedog's Dortmunder export, for this style was lacking that woody minty flavour that I have tried in other California Common Ales, but still very tasty drop

11. Leigh - Australian "Plain Jane" Lager
Sorry Leigh, this one was a bit acetic by the time I got around to it. Pity cause it looked fantastic in the glass.

Last night had a bottle with what looked like an "N" or "Z" on the lid
Not sure who's it was but went down a treat.

1. Peels - Black Beer

Oh how I love those black beers. Lots of roast and some astringency off the malt ( presumably some black or brown malt in there as well ). Great combo of dark malts, flaked barely really seems to fill it out a bit too.
Yeah, i have like 3left.. one well be stuck in the fridge for a chill down. Peels, Dingo or Drive it.... only time will tell ;)
3. Beerdingo's - Dunkelweizen

Orange to copper in appearance, with a fluffy head, some decent phenolics, deep clove with a lingering banana ester. almost like i detect a hint of diacetyl/toffee note... might be crystal malt. Wheaty/bready and sweet malt also on the nose.

Moderate carbonation with a meduim-full mouthfeel which has a creaminss to it. A chewy malt falvour backed up by decent phenolic/estery profile on the palate, very clovey! The yest profile is very upfront, some maltiness/breadcrust in the finish, quite rich but finishes sweet malt and screams drink me now!

Kickass Dingo! Just what the doctor ordered! Ive so got todo myself a Dunkelweizen, maybe that will be the followup to me hefe when i get around to whipping one out.

Cheers! :chug:

6. sappas - Better Red Than Dead Irish Ale

Mmmmm ... malty goodness.

Drinking it "warm" (well 10C warm) just like the brewer ordered.

Really like the effect that little bit of roast malt imparts, and this beer just reaffirms why I need to use that Irish Ale yeast more often.

Despite the high OG seems to finish reasonably dry.

Top drop Sappas.
Anybody had a taste of the Green Bullet SMASH or DrS that was brewed on the day yet.
Yes, but keep forgetting to post notes when I have some (trying to get my pale ale keg to blow so I can get my first AG Alt in there ;) )

Anyways, here tis:

xx. Melbourne Case Swap - SMASH

Pours with a fluffy full head, bordering on golden in colour. Smell is very fresh, slight malt and a bit "grassy". Taste, very mild maltiness. Very resiny on the pallate with a grassy bitterness over the back of the tongue.

I think the resiness and grassyness is due to the amount of hops used. Buggered if I can think of how to explain it any other way.

Overall though, a damn fine beer. Everybody I have given a taste has come back for more.
Awesome leigh, im just about to crack the keg on this one and now im actually looking forward to it.

With amount brewed on the day i thought somebody would have posted about it by now.

Green Bullet SMASH

As expected pours with a golden hue and clear

Smell is grassy with very low maltyness, mostly hops showing through

Taste is low and clean malt flavour slightly toffee, Green bullet shines through with a good bitterness, raisiny / piny and grassy finish, long lasting bitterness.

This beer is doing exactly what i wanted it too, show what Green Bullet hops are about. I wouldn't say they where the greatest hop around but give a nice bitterness and aroma. This beer is drinkable and coming into spring i think it will be a favorite for those warmer days, with its low maltyness and nice bitter kick.

Vic Xmas in July - Dr Smurto's Golden Ale

This is the other batch we brewed on the day, I took home a 17lt cube, and topped it up with about 4 litres of water. Fermented with US-05 at 19deg and dry hopped with 10g of Amarillo on day 5. Gelatined at day 14, bottled on 16.

The beer has turned out beautifully clear, a pale yellow, with a hint of golden. Pure white head, good aroma, not too strong, as it was only a small-ish dose of dry hops.

Mouth-feel is medium to light, I probably diluted it a little too much, should have added less water. It tastes just like JS Golden Ale used to taste 3 odd years ago, only better.

I could go on and on about diacetyls, esthers, etc, etc, but the best summary of this beer is: This is the beer that has tipped me over the point to wanting to move to All Grain.

Big thanks to Kleiny and Hutch for their exceptional efforts on the day, can't wait for a good catch up at Chez Klein in November.
Anybody had a taste of the Green Bullet SMASH or DrS that was brewed on the day yet.

Mine got infected and had to be tipped, so unfortunately no trip report here.

I'm interested though, which other hop would you compare Green Bullet to?
2. Fents - Bitsa Pale Ale

Just washing down my Ham and Pickle sandwich with this beer.
There is no hope of tasting anything else for the rest of the day, bitter +++++
Lovely colour, nice maltiness and nice hop flavour with a great big head on it
Over carbed but that is easily overcome by letting it sit there for a couple of minutes before drinking
Probably the best beer of yours i have tasted in all the case swaps

Bloody top drop Fentos

i should of called it bitter and twisted.

glad you enjoyed champ.
6. sappas - Better Red Than Dead Irish Ale

2nd best beer of the swap for me so far

Enjoyed this beer while watching the Doggies giving it to the soft in big pressure game Pies.......Suck it in Troy........nearly as good as watching Campbell Brown walking of the ground crying after loosing the fights and the game

Geez this was a nice beer, lots of maltiness, great thick creamy head that lasted to the end, carbonation maybe a tad high but once again i let it sit for a bit.
Great colour. Hop bitterness was just about spot on with the balance of malt in this beer....
I'm just not sure if a true irish ale would have Munich in it....

Thanks for a great beer Sappas

Reviving this old goat of a thread... 2 final beers to knock off tonight. Saved the darkest for last (peels)!

21. Driveitlikeustoleit - Oatmeal Stout

Light roasty aroma, some chocolate, coffee and light toffee notes. slight fruit aromas, otherwise quite clean. Almost black opaque, a thick dense brown head which dissipates to a light foam.

Moderate mouthfeel with some smooth buttery chewyness on the teeth (assuming the oats?) Malty characteristics upfront but finishes dry and acrid. Slightly smokey on the palate with some burnt huskiness. Roast lingers in the finish. Malt roastyness takes center stage with no apparent hop bitterness/flavour detectable/masked by the roastyness. Its as expected in the style.

Very good beer mate. It fits really well as an oatmeal stout, leaning more towards a dry stout over a sweet. Nonetheless it quenches the thirst and is a well crafted beer. Kudos!


1. Peels - Black Beer

Nutty coffee, cocoa and some toffee on the nose too. Ace of spades black, opaque, not a sight of yeast (id expect so considering the conditioning time). Tan fluffy head which dropped abck quite quickly. Very mild carbonation. Moderate-full mouthfeel with a velvet feel. Flavour resonates the aroma, coffee/roasty/ mild acrid notes. Bitterness is clean, with some husky malty overtones in the finish. Over all a cleansing Black beer.

I was expecting something to slap me in the face. Wery unoffending. I'd almost consider this to be a gateway stout. Either that or driveits stout killed my palate! Thanks for the awesome beer.

Well thats everything, can't wait for the xmas swap beers!



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