Vic July 2012 Tasting Thread

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have drank all my swaps :( roll on xmas!
20. MaestroMatt - Weizenbock

Dark ruby amber.

Sweet wheat. Tiny bit of alcohol.

Licorice, alcohol, wheat.

Head/Head Retention:
Not much head to speak of, but has carb. Seems that most of the beers for this swap might be like this (my'n too).

Very first taste, could only taste licorice, and wasn't sure I'd be able to drink it. However, once I got into it, I'm enjoying it. Get a lot of alcohol, how strong is this? Haven't really tried any Weizenbock that I can think of so not sure how close to slyle it is.

Hey Dingo - thanks for the review.

I have had trouble getting it carbed for a while. It's was in the bottle 4 weeks before the swap in a 'warmish' room so I am not sure why it still seems to be undercarbed.

I don't have my notes with me by I think it was around the 7-7.5% mark. It's a style that I don't have a lot of experience with and can honestly say I don't know whether I hit the mark or not.....but as another swapper mentioned above, I think I may have successed more in brewing a stronger Dunkelweizen - that's fine if that is the case.

I can't say that I am impressed with the result but it is an interesting flavor - I'll grant it that!
3. Luke C Belgian Stout.

Black as the ace of spades, medium carb, head dissipating to cling around the edges,
smell of coffee roast, touch of sweetness
Taste is coffee roasty and sweetish, slightly sickly sweet, sounds bad but i actually really like it as i don't find the finish is so sweet i don't want another mouthful, has a molasses liquorice flavour to me. can't find a lot of the belgian fruit flavours you'd think of maybe in the taste.

Im knocking this back in record time I really like it.


recipe please.


This is the goods. I'll have a crack at the recipe too please.
seemax I think that ESB might have been infected!
Bugger! was overcarbed to the MAX and floaties glore. Hope the sink doesnt get crook!
More likely you got the bottled dregs from the sounds of it.

Even if they seem clear, I now mark my last 2 or 3 bottles with an X so I know not to give away or enter into comps. The hop debris etc at the bottom of the fermenter can get concentrated in the last few and the nucleation points will make the beer gush like Grandma at a wedding. Floaties and hazy beer are the result.
sorry wolfman!! just tested a bottle and it's tasting pretty good...
I only had a couple of beers left. #7 and #19. #19 has exploded though, first experience of a bottle bomb...glad I've avoided them!
I had number 3 last weekend while brewing an Old Ale.

It was very tasty. Enjoyable. Didn't pick up Belgian characterists, but was happy to while away the boil with a tasty darky.

I had #6 last night during the footy. A Robust Porter. Very nice. Strong mocha note, full-bodied. Enjoyed it more as it warmed, as is the case with most Porters.

I also had Wolfman's Porter during the week. Unfortunately I think the sourness, as mentioned previously in this thread, took away from the rest of the beer.

Found an 11 and a 16. They're up next.