VIC 2013 July Case Swap - tasting thread

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5: Whiteferret: Oatmeal treacle stout.

Pours very dark brown, garnet highlights, clear in the light. Tan head which dissipates quickly, very little retention.

Aroma of roast, some black coffee notes, molasses/treacle.

Flavour of rich burnt sugar, bitter black coffee which lingers, very dark chocolate, burnt toast.

Really nice complex malt profile, good supporting bitterness from the roast, full bodied, low carbonation which adds to the richness. Carb lower than style guidelines suggest but I prefer them this way.

Thanks WF.

Each mouthful gets better. Delightful beer.
6. breakbeer - Black Nelson IPA
 - good to go, bottled 4 or 5 weeks ago

Ripping beer mate!

Nice citrus aroma, black as a dogs guts and a great punch of flavor.

You better post the recipe up!
1. Manticle - brown porter

Dark Ruby Red in colour, tan head, large bubbles though not high in carbonation so head dissipates over course of the glass
Aroma of toast, coffee, vanilla and chocolate, reminds me of walking past pinnacle yeast factory many years ago
The wife adds that she would love to sit naked in front of a huge open log fire with this, she is normally fussy and loves it so that's a great sign
Mild bitterness, long lasting flavour of roasty things, chocolate, toast, molasses, very moorish. Not sessional for us, but this is a good thing, like a special occasion type thing.

Thanks for the brew mate :)

12. Midnight Brew
: American Brown Ale

Pours a clean, clear dark brown, with a compact off-white nearly green foam that keeps the top of the beer covered until the bottom of the glass
Aroma of fresh grass clippings, very green made me think (if I had my eyes closed) that I had a IPA in front of me, completely unexpected... Reminds me a little of one of the Mountain goat rare breeds, can't remember which one.
Tastes very green also, but roasty, somewhat like having grass on toast (a cows' breakfast perhaps?)
Body was thin, I bet this fermented out without a hitch, no residual sweetness on my palate.

The Mrs wasn't a big fan, so I guess she ain't gettin' naked for this one.

EDIT: Photo and 'were there C hops in that brew?'

Got stuck into a few too many of these swap beers on Friday night, so these come through these haze of memory.

3. Fikuss – Dunkelweißen - Ready to drink
Flavour and colour great but unfortunately it was flat as a tack.
This is one of my favourite styles but you missed it by that much *holds thumb and forefinger a German head height apart*
Get the carbonation right and it'll be bang on.
2. Charst – Saison - Ready to Drink
Very nice looking beer. Wish I paid more attention to the rye character, but the spiciness was really pleasing. Gave the impression of being high alcohol, maybe from a little warmth?
Nice brew mate!
Number 21 polite check Pilsner
I get what previous people have said about the lingering bitterness at the back palate
Carbonation spot on nice lacing around the glass good mouth feel really well constructed drop
Knocked over the first one, randomly pulled one from the crate which was Edak's IPA (15) and drank it yesterday while out back pretty distracted.

Poured with a nice head which faded but that could have been my glass, sorry, Will ensure a cleaner glass for the rest of the tastings. I drank it pretty much at ambient out of the cellar, which really isnt that warm I guess.

Loved the bitterness but thought the Aroma could have packed a bit more of a punch for an IPA, tasted fairly clean and the carbonation was low, which I don't mind. Medium body and a nice soft malt backing to it.

A nice beer overall but there was something I just couldn't put my finger on, wish I had another to sit down with at leisure and drink from fridge temps and let warm.

i just poured 14 without seeing what it was and instantly thought, holy **** someone has made a kolsch, the clarity is very impressive with only a slight hint of Belgian aroma. top beer, very dangerous to both the beer educated and un-educated is my guess.
#4 Meathead - DSGA/Stout

Really black deep black in colour, chocolatey notes on the aroma, thin head that dissipates quickly.
This beer is very silky on the mouth feel and not actually overly roasty, really smooth chocolate flavour. Not overly bitter either, with a great residual sweetness. Im drinking this at ambient 15C ish and its going down a treat. Could easily have a session on these.

One critique I do have is some kind of mouse **** on the bottle cap. Have no idea how it got there or what it is but the beer tastes fine.

How long did you age this?

Austin: Crikey! This coffee smells like ****!
Basil: It is ****, Austin.
Austin: Oh well then it's not just me.
[Drinks coffee.]
Austin: It's a bit nutty.
14:damn: belgian golden strong.

Pours clear gold with dense, white moussy head.
Aroma of orange oil and soap.

Flavour: apple, pear, soft bread. Gentle lingering bitterness. Some slight warming alcohol. High carbonation.

I know this is a first attemp partial and I have to say you pretty much nailed it. No extract twang, lovely soft belgian notes, great head retention and lacing.

Could benefit from more ageing but sterling effort in my books.
3. Fikuss – Dunkelweißen - Ready to drink

So when will this be ready.... will be soooo disappointed if it is flat.. This was the one I was looking forward to ... :(
10. Shane R - Black Saison
 - Ready to drink.... BEWARE.. its a boy :p .. hopefully I was just an unlucky one.

Its a boy.. holy carbonation Batman.. it flowed like a river .. up and out of the bottle .. poured some out and it kept on going LOL... at first looks when I finally got it into the glass, it was a nice deep colour, however this was marred by the fact there were heaps of floaties in it from the sediment cake and it was very hazy... had to pour it into 2 glasses cause the bottle kept overflowing..unfortunately I lot about 1/3 of a bottle to the sink.

Noted that this is the first time I have tried a Dark Saison. at first glance I saw heaps of sediment consistent with the over flowing and breakup of sediment. Smells nice with wheat/dark malt and fruit behind it and maybe some pepper. Thinking that it would be highly carbonated first mouthful and it was a nice smooth feel but very alright on carbonation... I would have liked to see a bit more body in it in comparison to the other Saison I tried the other night.. This one was not as crisp as well

Cant say Im a fan, but I stated that of the other Saison.. dont think there totally my thing...and as I stated I am no expert on Saisons'


Amazing we have zero gravity here.. so can put glasses against the walls LOL

