Winter 2019 Club competition.

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user 31723

Reaction score
Best of Show: Nick McAuley

Winners - SABC 2019 Winter Competition

Style 1: Standard American Beer (6 entries)

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stRafael AragonCream AleCream AleSABC
2ndBrenton SchoemakerGalaxy-Mosaic American WheatAmerican Wheat Beer
3rdOssie HebartJosh's Saaz Standard American LagerAmerican LagerSABC

Style 18: Pale American Ale (15 entries)

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stLachlan JohnsonApaAmerican Pale AleSABC
2ndBrendan MaceyBucc's CitraAmerican Pale AleSABC
3rdThomas MichlAgent OrangeAmerican Pale Ale

Style 19: Amber and Brown American Beer (15 entries)

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stNick McAuleyBeasty Brown AleAmerican Brown AleSABC
2ndClint FisherBang Common California CommonSABC
3rdClint FisherHow Now Brown Cow American Brown AleSABC

Style 20: American Porter and Stout (13 entries)

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stNick McAuleyBallsy Imperial Stout BEST OF SHOWImperial StoutSABC
2ndJohn VanderzalmAmerican StoutAmerican Stout
3rdJames EdwardsPorter American PorterSABC

Style 21: IPA (9 entries)

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stJohn VanderzalmAmerican IPAAmerican IPA
2ndBrendan MaceyMillenium Falcon American IPASABC
3rdGus KingstonUpset Temptress IPAAmerican IPASABC

Style 22: Strong American Ale (4 entries)

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stBrendan MaceyDitch HopperDouble IPASABC
2ndNick McAuleyKilla Strong Ale American Strong AleSABC
3rdLuke BeardCovfefeAmerican Strong AleSABC

Style 28: American Wild Ale (7 entries)

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stAli HoldenWet and Wild RodeoBrett Beer
2ndRafael AragonBrettanomyces SaisonMixed Fermentation Sour BeerSABC
3rdLachlan JohnsonAmixedMixed Fermentation Sour BeerSABC