the difference between stockfeed and food grade is totally astounding... when a farmer plants barley or any crop they prey it goes food grade or hops grade (for barley) they dont just grow it. it has to have outstanding conditions.... no disease no mould and the right protein count..... stock feed grade is the absolute bottom of the barrel! would you eat dog food coz ive worked in abattoirs and i can tell you what that is too and it aint human consumption.....
aint my 2c worth its fact...
Sorry but I disagree with this. Usually the Reason barley (or any grain) to be down graded can be from many reasons
When a bin of grain is presented by toe grower a sample is taken and analysed for quality. What they look for is
1. The size of the grain
2. The moisture content
3. Damaged grain
4. Rubbish
Causes can include
I. Usually undersized grain can come-
Lack of water (for the grain to fill)
Being harvested too early
Being harvested too late
The wrong size screen installed in the harvester
The brand of the barley
2. Moisture content
Wet grain (harvested too soon after rain)
Harvested too late (too dry)
3. Damaged grain
Harvested too early in the day (cereal crops need heat for the heads holding the grain to snap off the stalk cleanly)
Wrong screen
Harvesting speed too slow or too fast
Grain too dry
Lack of maintenance of the harvester
4. Rubbish
Wrong screen
Crop on the ground
(Rubbish usually consists of too much chaff (the grass and outer husks of the grain) within the grain
So as you can see there are many reasons for grain to be down graded
No I’m not a farmer but have been exposed to grain production for over 40 years
Would I eat stockfeed?
Why the hell not?
Using stock feed for brewing?
Well don’t we boil the wort to sterilise before fermenting?