Using Oxygen

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In regard to your starters, do some reading/googling or whatever as both Wyeast and Whitelabs both recommend 2L as the first step when making a starter if you want to get any significant amount of cell growth happening. Anything less with a fresh yeast pack will just wake them up but wont increase your cell to count to any significant degree. Source of this information Dave Lodgson and Chris White, I went to talks by both of them when they visited Perth a few years ago and both gave the same answer.

As for the O I have a cylinder at home as part of my oxy welding setup, you can actually put too much in when I first started out I used to inline oxygenate for the entire wort transfer whilst chilling through a CFC for about 30 mins for 40L batches and found my beer would oxidise quickly so now I just hit it with a burst for 30secs.

My experience is that if pitching a whole smack pack of liquid yeast to a starter then make a large one of 3 or more litres. Yeast will multiply if they need to, if not then they will begin the second stage of fermentation right away with very little cell multiplication. A 1L starter is fine for pitching a split of a smack pack. Not that there is anything wrong with making a smaller starter, the yeast will have cycled and be in good condition to pitch, you just wont have achieved much multiplication of the colony.

Oxygen, and rehydration experiment. Interesting stuff.

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I've also heard about the changing standards to the pin type. I heard they will be brought in over the next year or so.

Seems you were right, fitnessfan... I got a letter yesterday telling me that all the large size cylinders in NSW will be changing over in Feb 2011. I figure I'll go exchange my bottle in January and the next bottle should last me a couple of years. That will give me some time to scrounge up a pin type reg...

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