Us05 = Funny Tummy ?

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hey guys, just putting it out there.......

8 months ago I started brewing again after a 4 year break(no space for brewery setup). 5 years ago I would have never considered wrecking my beer by using a dry yeast , I did however on occasion use 1056. When I found out this has now been dried i was quite excited. As I did not have all my yeast /lab gear set up when I started brewing again I used US-05 for my first few batches.

To my delight this US-05 yeast was extremely clean and attenuative (more than 1056 ever was). It even floculated reasonably well. Problem was that a couple of hours into drinking I needed to Sh!t. I thought oh no! I have got old and can't handle beer any more.

Luckily I was persistant and went back to some good old Wyeast strains(3068,1007,2575,1275....) - no more tummy troubles.

The reason I bring this up now is because tonight a third person independantly mentioned to me that the beer they brewed with US-05 gave them tummy troubles. I am interested to see if anyone else suffers this, or if anyone has experience of being individually alergic to a particular yeast.

edit: absolutley moronic spelling
I find it is not to bad in the bottle but in the keg gives me gas bad but ether way cleans you out well
coopers kit yeast gave me gas, bad. Feel terrible after, Didn't happen to anyone else that drank it. I'm seriously tempted to empty out my first brew onto the lawn.
never had a tummy issue with particular strains.
I most certainly have after mixing strains i.e club night drinking heaps of different brews and again at competitions
i use us05 heaps and no issues here. although all things affect different people in many and varied ways, so ya never know. maybe steer clear of it and see what happens.

hey guys, just putting it out there.......

8 months ago I started brewing again after a 4 year break(no space for brewery setup). 5 years ago I would have never considered wrecking my beer by using a dry yeast , I did however on occasion use 1056. When I found out this has now been dried i was quite excited. As I did not have all my yeast /lab gear set up when I started brewing again I used US-05 for my first few batches.

To my delight this US-05 yeast was extremely clean and attenuative (more than 1056 ever was). It even floculated reasonably well. Problem was that a couple of hours into drinking I needed to Sh!t. I thought oh no! I have got old and can't handle beer any more.

Luckily I was persistant and went back to some good old Wyeast strains(3068,1007,2575,1275....) - no more tummy troubles.

The reason I bring this up now is because tonight a third person independantly mentioned to me that the beer they brewed with US-05 gave them tummy troubles. I am interested to see if anyone else suffers this, or if anyone has experience of being individually alergic to a particular yeast.

edit: absolutley moronic spelling

Did this happen during this drinking session only or every session with this beer?

What food, if any, did you eat whilst drinking?

Does eating similar foods with different beers give you the same reaction?

Change the menu :)

Is it the yeast or the ingredients in the brew?

My rule is: A time to eat AND a time to drink. Mix the two together and you will have complications. If you fill your belly with heaps of food, you won't have much room for beer. Typical example is the BBQ. Eating hot greasy steaks and snags and washing them down with cold liquid. Grease and fat solidifies when cooled. Imagine your gut with this mixture. A cup of tea is better when eating. When you want a drinking session.......DRINK.

I am not a medical practitioner, but after 45 years of imbibing, I can talk from experience. I have had my share of tummy problems and can only contribute these to food and commercial beer.

Since homebreing and distilling.........No Complaints!

This is just my penny's worth.

I get gas, no matter which strain of yeast I use.

Oh wait, I use to get gas before I started home brewing.

Maybe I just enjoy the bbbrrrrpppp whenever the urge strikes me.
Did this happen during this drinking session only or every session with this beer?

What food, if any, did you eat whilst drinking?

Does eating similar foods with different beers give you the same reaction?


No correlation with food - beer drank with and without eating, noon, afternoon and evening. all same reaction to each batch with us05.

Symptoms seemed to be partially solved by adding isinglass to routine and completely resolved by using other yeast. I have got over this issue months ago by avoiding US05. I now drink copious amounts of beer whenever I feel like it and feel well and healthy. I only bring it up now because of the three people who have told me they had similar experience with US05.
i have medically diagnosed reflux. i suffer no issues from us05, or any other yeast that i have knowingly ingested. but thats not to say others mught have issues.

Palmer mentions the laxative effect caused by yeast in his book. You may be more senistive to it than others.

Think of it as colon cancer prevention
Live yeast does tend to have a party in the gut, which in my case strips me of one my great pleasures, farting, or to be more precise dry farting. Nothing I know of suggests that US05 of itself promotes more gastric gas than other strains, wet or dry (as it were). Was your US05 Belgian or Croation? perhaps there is a difference..
Never noticed with US-05, but whatever they are putting in LCPA these days makes my farts rank.... I mean make the sleeping cat get up and hiss and leave the room rank... :icon_vomit:
lol must be bad schoo lol. Yeah could be the yeast or the co2 but I find now I am worse kegging I really need to filter as its hard to let a keg sit to settle lol. I think its the yeast as my beers are in no way clear and I cc for a week still gets yeast in there. CBF using gelatin lol
Live yeast does tend to have a party in the gut, which in my case strips me of one my great pleasures, farting, or to be more precise dry farting. Nothing I know of suggests that US05 of itself promotes more gastric gas than other strains, wet or dry (as it were). Was your US05 Belgian or Croation? perhaps there is a difference..

Hey Dr K, One of the three people I mention who has found this issue is your friend Dickus - hairy..... He has a therory that it was only one particular batch of Us-05 available mid 2010 that caused the squirts. Did not know uso5 had a few different sources....
Only time this ever really happened to me bad was my first extract brew, all of the trub and hops went into the fermenter and some hop floaties made it into the keg, and that one created more mud slides than a wet day in thredbo. It was US05 but I use this yeast for 80% of my brews and haven't had the problem since.

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