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So all the f@#$ing junkies out there that steal and rob places to get thier next high aren't a problem!!!???? Pull your head out of the sand boy!!!!!! You must be one of those wanna be bouncers, in my opinion bouncers are REAL ******s!!!

Ha ha, I knew you'd come back with the crime approach. I have no statistics on the differing crime rates between drug users, including alcohol as a drug. Alcohol addicts, unable to work due to their disease, are equally vulnerable to committing to a life of crime remember, they need money to feed their habits too...

That said, it was the local smack addicts that did my previous house over :angry:

I was approaching more from a medical perspective :)
in my opinion bouncers are REAL ******s!!!

In my opinion (and line of work), bouncers in general are some of the best people i've ever met. I play in bands around town regularly, and i watch the bouncers from the stage, putting up with sooooo much **** from people that are off their tits. It's ******' ridiculous. To have to stand there and cop it all night while every (insert drug name here...) "influenced" person in the pub has a crack at them.....

Yes i've seen bouncers knock people out, i've seen people thrown through doors, i've stood outside and watched a smartass get his lights punched out, but most people don't really see how much crap has been thrown at the bouncer hours before he takes action.
One of the best bouncers i know is approx 5 feet tall, black belt in several disciplines, and he is the nicest guy. Also a drummer like me!
The people that know him, know to listen to him when he tells them to go home. The others try and push all his buttons. Funniest thing ever to see a "football jock" stare down a 5 footer and then get put on his ass.

Go the security!
You blokes aren't from the Gold Coast. Live there and tell me you like bouncers. Also they're all on worse **** than Alcohol. Sitting their chewing their mouth with eyes popping out of their heads causing trouble, the bastards.
OT but.....

Go into the pictures and right click and you should get the option to rotate, unless you have a VZ200 (dick smith computer for the younger generation)

It automatically shows them the right way round on my laptop but turns them through 90 degrees when I post them here.
right click on the file and choose to "open with" something like "Microsoft Office Picture Manager" and then 'Edit pictures > rotate and flip' > save/save as

any software that lets you do this and save it, nearly the same sort of options. If you use the default system preview its likely to be corrected up using the camera info tags attached for displaying, hence you have your problem ...

on mac, open in preview > rotate and save.
I was wondering if it was worth mentioning that I'm on Ubuntu. Thanks though mate, I reckon I can figure it out. I just figured it should show on here how it shows on the laptop.
yeah, some of the 'smart' softwares like to read camera tags and some cameras transmit what orientation the picture was taken in, so, the file still is sideways but its displayed straight when you open it on your computer.... 'smart' yeah... lol

actually opening it in some ******* image editor that doesn't read tags etc fixes the problem, letting you see it as it really is and then ACTUALLY rotating it :p

ubuntu... hmnn.... I have it on a partition, I dunno wy!!!.. I will find a use for it someday!
Go into the pictures and right click and you should get the option to rotate, unless you have a VZ200 (dick smith computer for the younger generation)

A Bit OT But....
hahah My first computer was the VZ-300. My dad used it untill the mid 90's , He loved the Geos!!

Ive just gone back home (1200k's away!) and collected all the bits of VZness he had (loads) and tucked em away in storage, next thing is Im going to professionally transfer the tapes (Im an Archive Audio Engineer) I wanna Pull the thing out in a sevral or more years and amaze the kids. Show em my rad skills on chopper command! to thier absolute horror, I showed my partner a VZ emulater a few months ago (as the whole finding of my dad's unit inspired me) She thought I was taking the piss and it was some kind of joke.
Alcohol IS the nasty **** - >90% of my business on a wednesday-sunday night is due to behaviour brought on by people using and misusing alcohol, and their inability to control themselves when "on it". Heroin users generally don't have the capacity nor inclination to square up and fight each other, and prefer to sit at home smacking out; it general only causes problems to the individual, when they take too much. Ice is proper nasty ****, but on a statistical level irrelevant compared to alcohol.

Sermon over, time for me to have a beer! :chug:

Blaming alcohol is like blaming the gun for shooting related deaths.
A ******** is a bigger ******** when he's full of drug and alcohol induced confidence.
In my experience the worst behaviour can be bought about by a cocktail of drugs and alcohol. In particular amphetamines, pot and alcohol.
Use and abuse, it's the ********* that stuff it all for everyone.

Drunks should be a breeze to bounce if your sober, have a little bit of training and good people skills.
Get over it. You might prefer us all to be incapacitated, home smacked out of our brains instead of out socialising. If you don't like your job perhaps you may be more suited to working in drug rehab or something like that. Or maybe with the elderly, surely they don't pose such a threat.
Alcohol IS the nasty **** - >90% of my business on a wednesday-sunday night is due to behaviour brought on by people using and misusing alcohol, and their inability to control themselves when "on it". Heroin users generally don't have the capacity nor inclination to square up and fight each other, and prefer to sit at home smacking out; it general only causes problems to the individual, when they take too much. Ice is proper nasty ****, but on a statistical level irrelevant compared to alcohol.

Sermon over, time for me to have a beer! :chug:

Am I the only one who things roo_dr is not a bouncer but a doctor?
He works in a hospital would be my guess..
He says most of the patients coming in at night Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday have hurt themselves (and each other) while way to drunk.

So I would think he knows what he is talking about (regarding a high % of patients coming because of alcohol)

And that the bouncer thing is not really related.

Not trying to be funny, just saying I think this was taken a little different than I read it?

Am I the only one who things roo_dr is not a bouncer but a doctor?
He works in a hospital would be my guess..
He says most of the patients coming in at night Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday have hurt themselves (and each other) while way to drunk.

So I would think he knows what he is talking about (regarding a high % of patients coming because of alcohol)

And that the bouncer thing is not really related.

Not trying to be funny, just saying I think this was taken a little different than I read it?


You might be right there Bjorn.
My early morning rush may of led me to skip through the posts, coming to the wrong conclusion.
Perhaps there is a higher rate of alcohol related injuries than any other drug, statistically.
Still you can't blame the grog and people usually only admit to the legal drugs they have consumed, alcohol being a drug.
Am I the only one who things roo_dr is not a bouncer but a doctor?
He works in a hospital would be my guess..
He says most of the patients coming in at night Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday have hurt themselves (and each other) while way to drunk.

So I would think he knows what he is talking about (regarding a high % of patients coming because of alcohol)

And that the bouncer thing is not really related.

Not trying to be funny, just saying I think this was taken a little different than I read it?


No - You're completely founded in your interpretation. It's only this idiot who is more interested in the over use of exclamation marks and abusing other forum members, than comprehending the conversation going on in front of him.

So all the f@#$ing junkies out there that steal and rob places to get thier next high aren't a problem!!!???? Pull your head out of the sand boy!!!!!! You must be one of those wanna be bouncers, in my opinion bouncers are REAL ******s!!!

Ha ha, I knew you'd come back with the crime approach. I have no statistics on the differing crime rates between drug users, including alcohol as a drug. Alcohol addicts, unable to work due to their disease, are equally vulnerable to committing to a life of crime remember, they need money to feed their habits too...

I was approaching more from a medical perspective

So you ARE a ****** bouncer mouthing off about how hard your job is dealing with drunks,, don't like it, get another job!!!!! Drug addicts are so much worse than drunks!!! Get some stats before mouthing off!!!!

Alcohol, in this case ethanol, is a poison.

Legal yes, but still a poison and I'll stick my neck out with roo_dr and suggest that it is far worse than any of the illegal drugs in that it is used and abused en masse. Spend a few hours in any of the popular night spots in any of the big cities in this country and you'll see drunk people everywhere. The number of people high on drugs would be almost a statistical anomaly.

Luckily for us, when hidden in beer it's a very tasty poison :chug:

EDIT - actually, to be completely accurate I should replace the word poison with drug.
Alcohol, in this case ethanol, is a poison.

Spend a few hours in any of the popular night spots in any of the big cities in this country and you'll see drunk people everywhere.

Just looking at them, god knows what they are on and in what combinations.

Sure lots of people use and abuse alcohol but that don't make it a bad thing, just readily available.

I would say tobacco is our biggest killer and responsible for more medically related issues than any other drug.
Just looking at them, god knows what they are on and in what combinations.

Sure lots of people use and abuse alcohol but that don't make it a bad thing, just readily available.

I would say tobacco is our biggest killer and responsible for the more medically related issues than any other drug.
I think the issue here is not only the physical & mental effects of alcohol on your body, but the alcohol-related incidents, eg. Drink driving & running over kids, glassings, domestic violence, etc.
Sure we all like to get pissed occasionally, but as long as we keep a hold of ourselves.

Maybe AHB should cover their bases and add a link for Alcoholics Anonymous, or support groups or such?
I would say tobacco is our biggest killer and responsible for more medically related issues than any other drug.

That's inclusive of any alcohol related incidents.

You can't blame the gun, it's the person pulling the trigger.
Well up here we have had about 3 deaths from bouncers in the last year. Yes some bouncers do deserve a medal but some need to be beaten to a pulp.
They are all areseholes!!!!!
so some bouncers are ok, except for all of them? :rolleyes:
Here bloody here!!!!! Gold Coast has the WORSE bouncers in the country!!!! They are all areseholes!!!!! Maybe not so in other parts, but come here and see what they are like, they get the green light from cops to do what they want, hence the deaths caused by bouncers here on the Gold Coast!@!!
i like the part where you're pissed at bouncers for causing 3 deaths, and then advocate beating people to a pulp.
also thousands die each year from alcohol abuse and how many are killed and injured because of drunken violence? yeah bouncers are the problem here. i would use the 'rollseyes' emoticon but i'd need about 50 of them ;)
Or people that can't handle their alcohol should be punished, and the rest of us left the f%%% alone.

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