Unusually Long Fermentation?

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My wyeast 3068 has been fermenting at ~18C for 8 days now, is this normal? I was under the impression it would be done and ready in 3-5 days even at this lower temperature. I'm getting a lot of banana smell too which was also unexpected due to the lower temperatures.

Unfortunately I was a complete numpty and forgot to take an OG (I estimate around 1055 given the ingredients). My SG readings have been dropping roughly 2 points per day for the last 4 days. I'm expecting 1019 tonight given the current trend. So attenuation is getting close to where it should be.

Should I try to raise the temperature to kick it along? I'm a little concerned that it'll end up smelling more like fruit juice considering I'm getting this much ester off of 18C.
At this stage, raising the temperature should be fine. Most of the esters will be produced in the first few days of fermentation, so letting it go now is not going to be a problem. It is slower than it should be, but I wouldn't be too alarmed just yet.

With the slow ferment, just a few questions. How old was the pack? Did you make a starter? Size? What did you do to aerate the wort? How sure are you of the ferment temp and how are you measuring it? A recipe might be good as well just to see how fermentable it was, mash temp if you're AG etc.
At this stage, raising the temperature should be fine. Most of the esters will be produced in the first few days of fermentation, so letting it go now is not going to be a problem. It is slower than it should be, but I wouldn't be too alarmed just yet.

With the slow ferment, just a few questions. How old was the pack? Did you make a starter? Size? What did you do to aerate the wort? How sure are you of the ferment temp and how are you measuring it? A recipe might be good as well just to see how fermentable it was, mash temp if you're AG etc.

The pack was pretty fresh, I don't remember the expiry/manufacturing date, but nothing raised any alarm bells.

I didn't make a starter, but gave it a good 5 hours to "puff up"

Aeration was a mix of vigourous stirring during the boil and then shaking the carboy for a good minute (before my arms gave in). Fermentation was visible within 12 hours.

The fermentation temperature measurements aren't scientific, I'll admit I'm using a strip thermometer, one on side of the carboy and the other on top of it, both are reading the same temperature.

The fermentables were as below, no adjuncts were added.

1kg LDME
1kg Wheat Dry Extract
1.5kg Wheat Liquid Extract

That was for a 22L batch.

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