Unmodified Garden Sprayer

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Hi guys

I have an unmodified garden sprayer due to not being able to find a valve for it yet (if anyone knows where online or in perth to get a decent/not plastic one please let me know).

I am going to a mates place tonight and want to bring some of my delicious Amarillo APA. Since it should get finished in a few hours or the night would it be okay to use the garden sprayer, sanitised of course to just pump with air? (already kegged so carbed) or will it make it go pretty gross pretty quick ?

*Edit - after looking at the pump I realise it pushes air into the beer.. which might be a pretty bad idea..?

Cheers guys
I would just put it on a few softdrink bottles. Will hold it's carbonation just fine.
Okay guys. Taking a dive on this one!

Might actually work as a quick and easy solution for 1 night kegs.

The garden sprayer I bought has a little pen kind of thing with a switch/trigger to spray. What I did was connect up my gas with a NRV into the pen/gun thing. My gas line fits perfectly in the end of the gun. I switched on my reg and set to around 70kpa and it bubbled through the little dip-tube, purged the tank a few times, I then increased it slowly to just under 100kpa and released the trigger on the gun.

I now have a nicely pressurised keg.. unless it starts losing pressure. Once it stops pouring due to the CO2 I can just use the hand pump.

This is all my plan in my head but could end in disaster :p

Anyone know how much pressure these guys can take normally?
I have used a s/s fuel cenectior you use on outbord moters for boats cost me $20 and works well
they bought a new sprayer at work and its SS and it also has a pressure guage on it. Have not asked where it come from or how much it cost but it would be perfect mini keg if you set it up right.
the cheap ones hold less than 20psi before the prv starts to vent, and if it didn't start to vent before then I would start to get pretty damn nervous about the kaboom potential.

you dont need anything like that sort of pressure though, only need a few psi to get a pour going.

hope you pulled it completely to bits, washed out all the grease and replaced it with food grade lube??
I never took it to 20psi anyway because I wasn't sure what it would take.

The only dumb thing I didn't do is wash the grease and replace with food grade lube.. Im alive so far.. how bad is ingesting them..? They didnt feel like they had any grease on them to be honest but not too sure

Cheers for reminding me though because I might use it again soon.
Motorbike shops still sell metal tyre valves which bolt through as they are used on dirt bikes.

Also you can use gravity to dispense instead of a pump :) just poor beers from below the liquid level in the sprayer. Might have to let some air in by pulling the safety valve every now and then though.

I've gravity filled from a keg into the garden sprayer once as well when I ran out of gas in the keg fridge just before going to a party.

hope that helps :p

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