Under attenuated

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Hi all fermented a Kolsch style beer pils malt with a touch of wheat
I used notto yeast for this one & I usually wait 2 weeks then cc
Having read how quick this yeast finishes & having all kegs empty I took a hydro reading 1010-1008 after 6 days & concluded it was finished
I then CCed for 3 days & it has now been in the keg for a week
Had a sample & Christ lads sweet as obviously the hydro reading was more towards the 1010 end bugger novice error just when I thought I was producing some good ales
Have pulled keg out of keezer & left at ambient temp while shaking every now & then
Any advice would be welcomed is it a tipper or can it be saved ? Dry hopped maybe ?
1010 is pretty low what was your recipe, mash details and ferment temps? Is the beer thin, but still still sweet? FYI I think notto won't really get the right character for a kolsch. 6 days is also really short - even if you did a 2 week primary and a week of cc for a kolsch
Recipe was Pilsner malt with a touch of wheat tetnang hops mashed in at 63
Style I do 2 brews at the same time the other was with wyeast Kolsch
Notto attenuates well plus flocs well both fermented at 16c
While fermenting my temp sensor came off fermenter on the 6 th day went to 22 c
Reset the next day
Yes 6 days is short which was my primary CCed after this
Mate it's under attenuated sweet cloying have done this with notto before and have to admit it finished 1008 easy but was bottled and tasted like it had a touch of yeast bite hence my bad decision to go early
Any ideas on a fix
1010 is pretty low however, the taste is the king -- if it is cloying than it is. Answering a 1030 would've been easier :)

Provided there are still fermentable sugars how about pitching some active yeast? But then you will be facing yet another yeast bite possibility (ensure 100ppm calcium to aid the flocculation?)
Odd. I know you said keg, but did you maybe prime with sugar?

Or what was your og? With that malt bill, at 1.010 there could still be unfermented sugars that Notty would eat in a second week.

I too would not use Notty for a Kolsch, but I do use it a lot for several other styles. Although it ferments down to 12 or even lower, and I use it at 14-15 for APAs. it is prone to dropping early if the temperature goes down a couple of degrees. That can happen when active fermentation slows at 3-4 days. In future with Notty, try to maintain your fermentation temperature, whatever that is, and give it an absolute minimum of 11 days, preferably more.
So, it's not really a Kolsch then.

If you want to make a good Kolsch, use the right malts and the right yeast. Notty won't cut it - wrong flavours.

Suggest you use Heidelberg Malt (Used to be named Kolsch Malt) and the Wyeast you used in the other one....only a suggestion.
No worries thanks for replys
My temp probe for stc 1000 coming off definately didnt help but yes back to 14 day ferments
I didnt prime keg with sugar used co2
Understand if you dont use Kolsch yeast it aint a kolsch;what should I have called it ? used Best Maltz PIlsner with Wey wheat at 16c
Made a nice Kolsch for my first keg imho really enjoyed the style
Just ferment 2 at once so threw some notto at it to compare to the real deal
Have had keg sitting at ambient temp for 3 days but dont like my chances,lesson learnt
sorry yankinoz the og was 1050
Just a report back on my cloying sweet keg of faux kolsch
Left keg at ambient temp for 6 days while shaking just put back in keezer tried & the same but was beer in the lines from before
Poured a new glass & I'm a happy man keg saved got out of jail free card used up
Thanks all for advice now to wait for it to drop bright in keg