Tooheys Brewery Blocked. Lockup Your Homebrew

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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Lockup your homebrew guys. If this goes on too long we could be in for a shortage of Tooheys New :p


Full story here.

Striking beer delivery workers have vowed to maintain their blockade of the Tooheys brewery in Sydney as their case is heard before the Industrial Relations Commission.

Up to 20 trucks, some loaded with beer, are parked across the entrance to the brewery in Nyrang Street, Lidcombe and in the loading area.

The drivers have signs stating "You are passing another sacked Tooheys' driver''.
Good Day
I fully support the truck owners and hereby declare that I will no longer drink Tooheys New.
I have topped up my stocks of new so I'm safe.
Based on recent show results, the best 'New' is brewed by XXXX in Brisbane and the best Hahn Premium by SAB in Adelaide. Swan is operating at about 40% of capacity, so... yeah, close Lidcombe for good. There'd be no James Squire Pils or Amber, but hey, who drinks that? :(
Based on recent show results, the best 'New' is brewed by XXXX in Brisbane and the best Hahn Premium by SAB in Adelaide. Swan is operating at about 40% of capacity, so... yeah, close Lidcombe for good. There'd be no James Squire Pils or Amber, but hey, who drinks that? :(
So come on randall, start selling me whatever you have thats better than a JS amber, for the same price as I get it for :blink:
Hmmm john howard's IR laws are a good thing hey??. Faaaarken ******!
Relax guys, just having a little dig at Tooheys. I know a lot of those drivers, good hard working blokes and I hope they're able to sort out their differences.

Don't forget, all warehousing and distribution from Lidcombe is done by Toll Logistics and it's to them that the boys sub-contract, not Tooheys or Lion Nathan.
The news tonight said they sub contracted to Lindsay Fox?
The news tonight said they sub contracted to Lindsay Fox?

That is the owner of the new contract that is looking to hire back a number of the drivers on less pay.

Go the drivers :beerbang: Anyone in a firm of less than 100 employees, or in a bigger firm with a boss likely to pull a 'sack and rehire' stunt take note... The way of the future in Australia unfortunately :angry:

As an owner driver
Im right behind those blokes its just another big company chasing bigger profits,so we run out out of tooheys new who gives a rats #@!$%

Monkale :angry:
Go the truckies!
Makes me a bit crook in the guts to see this sort of stuff happening to average aussie battlers. Full power to em, I hope they get what they want, them blokes work bloody hard. Maybe we should find out what honest John drinks, and get em to stop delivery of that for a little while ;) Mind you, less New out on the streets may be a good thing...
All the best
Maybe we should find out what honest John drinks, and get em to stop delivery of that for a little while
I think you'll find it hard to stop the U.S. Secret service from delivering G.W.'s bodily waste.

BTW, Tooheys...c'mon, it's bloody unAustralian, and the truckie thing too.

Seth :p
Typical that someone like Mr Fox who no doubt came from a working back ground gets richer from the poor battler trying to earn an honest living whilst now battling the new IR laws.Has he forgotten his grass roots and how tough it was to earn a living.

Shame Shame Shame ;)

Big D
Looks like they've been ordered back to work. Poor guys can't get a break in Johnny's brave new (third) world.
Hmmm john howard's IR laws are a good thing hey??. Faaaarken ******!

I don't really think we need to bring one liner slagging politics into AHB. :ph34r:
If you have something serious to add maybe but.....................

Alcohol fueled brewtality.
You'll know that Johnny's first(birth) home is now a KFC ??? FACT !!

Mebbe it still burns him inside...everything is now business
Hmmm john howard's IR laws are a good thing hey??. Faaaarken ******!

What the hell has this got to do with IR laws? It's a change of contractor from Toll to LinFox.
Just having a dig fella's, not getting political. Sorry if i have offended. Back to beer