Timothy Taylor Landlord Ale

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That looks great Chilla, relatives of style and substance..
are these people rural folk, as I have never seen good beer served at either of the couple of pommy marriage shin-digs I have been to..
OK - i am brewing this tomorrow at the BrewInn Barossa.

If any Adelaideons are up my way - drop by.
Dough in is at 10.30am
ill be trying the 100% GP Recipe and using the proper Wyest Timothy Taylor Yeast courtesy of Voosher - Thanks :)

Now - i am using Rain water - what would be the best water profile to use.
I am aiming for at least 40 ltrs.
So any help on the water profile salts to add would be welcomed.

Using the Yorkshire profile in Promash will probably get you close enough, Ken.

Name Ca Mg Na SO4 Cl HCO3
Yorkshire 105.0 17.0 23.0 66.0 30.0 153.0
That looks great Chilla, relatives of style and substance..
are these people rural folk, as I have never seen good beer served at either of the couple of pommy marriage shin-digs I have been to..

I was at a wedding in the UK recently where they had Harvey's Best Bitter in kegs.

Yes, they where rural folk...
OK - Thanks to all the input.

Have the water profile sorted - will be adding the following to every 20ltrs of Rain Water...
1 tspn Epsom Salts
3 tspn Chalk
1gram of Non Iodised Table Salt.

Will be using the 100% GP Grain Bill.
Not sure if i will be doing a decotion/biol down of 8 ltrs to 4ltrs to add back or not.
Depends on the time through the day.
It is still in the primary...

Will check Gravity readings later tonight or tomorrow.

If good will rack and after tasting decide if it gets a handful of Styrian.
...any updates/tasting notes fellas?
I'll be brewing it on Sunday, using Wyeast 1469.
Really looking forward to having this one on tap!!!
...any updates/tasting notes fellas?
I'll be brewing it on Sunday, using Wyeast 1469.
Really looking forward to having this one on tap!!!

What's your recipe Hutch?

Cheers ross
What's your recipe Hutch?

Cheers ross

My first attempt at this one, so not expecting miracles yet!
Recipe based on a few earlier posts from GMK, neonmeate and ausdb:

2 x 20Ltr batch (40Ltr in boiler)
Water treatment for Yorkshire profile (4gm Gypsum, 6gm Epsom Salts, 8gm Chalk)
8kg Golden Promise Ale (3 Ltrs first runnings caramelised on the stove)
65gm Fuggles pellets @ 60min (5.7%aa)
40gm Slovenian Styrian Goldings pellets @ 30min (4.0%aa)
50gm Kent Goldings pellets @ 10min (4.2%aa)
40gm Slovenian Styrian Goldings pellets @ flame out (steeped for 20 minutes).

No-chilled into 2 cubes, will get into fermenter as soon as I free up the fridge, and aim for 18 deg primary.

Even with caramelising a few Ltrs, the wort was quite pale indeed. I'd probably go a little crystal malt next time, and possibly caramelise a little more of the first runnings.

Lovely hoppy beer this one.
I've a few EKG plugs as backup, to throw into secondary should I feel the urge ;)

I'm still keen to hear how GMK's more recent attempt turned-out.
Any thoughts on what you'd change next time?
I have done some work towards getting a TTLL style working.

100% Golden Promise malt grain bill (that we can source in Australia) comes out very thin and I found to be a disappointment. I 'caramelised' 5L down to about 500mL on the gas stove, it takes a long time so be prepared for a 'hurry up and wait'. It still comes out very thin.

Did all the above at 69 degC to try and get a fuller more un-fermentable beer, it was better but still quite thin and more sweet than TTLL.

So, after more websearch I have decided that maybe the 100% GP malt claim is a play on words or I didnt interpret it correctly. As GP is a variety, it could be made into any type of malt, pale and crystal for example. Timothy Taylor could also get the barley malted differently to what the rest of us get. Their web site claims it is kilned at 150F (65C) which from what I understand is quite low compared with other British Pale Malts and is also quite low but at least closer to a Pilsner malt kilning temperature or maybe this is the kilning temperature for GP. I'll PM Wes and see if I can get a response about all this.

Using a GP Pale as a base malt and 12% melanoidin has given me a very close copy of it. Munich would work as well. Hmmm German malt in a British style!

The yeast strain seems to be important, but I wonder how a true top cropping yeast would compare. The fermenter shape and size also makes a big difference and is overlooked a lot as it has a large influence on this style of beer. These beers are fermented in large open fermenters and the yeast is skimmed at 3-4 days, mainly for re-pitching. The ability for CO2 to leave the fermentation more easily in an open fermenter when compared with a tall thin fermenter, plays a huge role in the yeast metabolism and resultant flavour/aroma of the beer. The pressure created (or not) also has a large role to play and it is easier to skim off the yeast in an open fermenter.

I am also suspect of using the Yorkshire water profile, as the water for this comes from a spring. I think a good pale ale water profile will do the trick

I use EKG, Styrian Goldings and Fuggles and so do a few others I know of that make this style. I think TT use a hop back.

Don't forget the all important overall balance, this ale does it very very well.

Let us know your thoughts and how the beer comes out, Hutch.

C&B, Kirk.
100% Golden Promise malt grain bill comes out very thin and I found to be a disappointment.

It's quite underwhelming after trying their MO malt. Definitely needs some extra help.
Using a GP Pale as a base malt and 12% melanoidin has given me a very close copy of it.

C&B, Kirk.

Is that a typo, or did 12 % melanoidin really get close to the colour and taste of TTL? Just seems like a lot to me.
Sorry, it was IMC munich (12 EBC) at 12.5%.

about 3% Melanoidin (70EBC) gives the same colour. I am brewing tomorrow with melanoidin. I need to get some more TTLL.
I think Stu mentioned it before but although its mentioned that its all GP, I think it fails to mention that some of the GP has been made into crystal !
Nice detail Kirem. You've obviously spent a bit of time on this one!
This was the first time I'd used GP malt, and was very surprised at how light in colour the first runnings were (almost like a Pilsner).
Unfortunately I may have mashed a little on the low side (~65deg). So I guess I won't be too dissapointed if it's a little off the mark.

When I had it on tap last month it certainly gave the impression that there was some character malt in the bill, both in taste and in EBC. For such a tasty beer, it's worth making a few mistakes, just so that you have an excuse to brew it again. And again..

I'll post feedback once I've got it in the keg.

PS. Anyone know of any retail outlets for this beer in Melbourne??? (G&G used to have it, but not at the moment).
