Time In Fermenter

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Hi folks....
Will my brew still be ok????

I had to travel interstate for 3 weeks and put a lager down on the day I left, thinking it would be perfect to condition or keg when I returned.

Now, my stay has to be extended for 6 weeks, so will my brew be cactus when I get back after sitting on the yeast for that long?

The brew was a lager, with Saflager W3470 at 11 degrees

Cheers, :beer:
I think 6 weeks is around the iffy time. Give it the smell and taste test when you get back. If it smells/tastes of vegemite, chuck it, otherwise it's fine.
Thanks for that Adam....

What if I got someone to turn the temperature controller way down to 1 degree to inactivate the yeast(even though it would NOT be finished fermenting), and left it like that, in the fermenter, on the trub, until I got back???

Or what if I got someone to rack it off now to a holding cube, THEN turn the temp down to 1 degree... again.. it wont have finished fermenting when this is done??

I hate the thought of having to chuck it when I get back!

:lol: :lol:

I think 6 weeks is around the iffy time. Give it the smell and taste test when you get back. If it smells/tastes of vegemite, chuck it, otherwise it's fine.
Is there a generous hb'er in your area would would be kind enough to rack and lager in three weeks time? You may have to pay them in beer, though!
I betcha it'll be just fine for 6 weeks at 11c, you'll get home and have a lovely beer to drink. That is of course if you cleaned the fermentor first and all that :lol:
Brewing friend of mine left his beer in the primary for 2 months, reasons out of his control. Resulting beer was very clear, no need for racking
Thanks Chimera...

reckon that I will just leave it then and hope for the best!!


Brewing friend of mine left his beer in the primary for 2 months, reasons out of his control. Resulting beer was very clear, no need for racking
As I work away a bit during the year I do this quite a bit.
I brew couple of days before I leave,24 hours no chill,pitch yeast so I have that next day to make sure it's off and running.I then allow it to ferment for 2 weeks @14c,after this the good wife cranks down the fridge to 2c,I keg when I get back without need to filter.
It has been in the fermenter for a month at one time,brew was fine.
I use Nottingham Ale yeast for this as I know this friend of mine so well.

It should be fine.

Ideally you would remove it from the yeast cake when it has finished fermenting.

Have left many lagers on the yeast cake for 4 weeks. Your six weeks will probably be ok.

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