I made a tight ass plate that worked well, but have recently required a proper stir plate from work. Its a big stainless square thing.. will find out the model later if necessary
I'm stiring 5L starters no problem with this.
My problem though, is that the stir plate heats up quiet alot. I keep my starters and stir plate inside my fermentation fridge, at the appropriate temperature (usually 17c). However, when I recently checked a starter that had been stiring for about 24hrs, it was up around 30c

I touched the top of the stir plate, and it had gotten fairly hot.
Anyone got any ideas how to prevent this? One idea I had was to connect the stir plate to a timer, so it turns off for a period every hour or so to cool down.
Or maybe a layer of foam between the stir plate and flask?
Just wondering if others have problems with this, and how they fixed it.