Thinking About Losing The Goo..

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Hey. Not really sure about the umms and arrs of all this AG business. A bloke at a local brew shop (not a large chain store) said that you just need call him, tell him what to mill and he has it ready for you the next day.. sounded mighty tempting.

He explained what i need to do to get what i have been getting from a can. From what i gathered i need to have milled grain soaking in water at approximately 80 degrees celsius for an hour, then drain the juices.. Yes?

He said a cheap and easy (and dodgy) way to do so was to slap grain in an esky with a tap, chuck in hot water and an hour later- drain. Sounded a shade too easy to me.. wondering if anyone has tried this or has links to a better way to do this.

SO.. would this grain soaked water replace the goo?

Any links to simple 1st AG brews and processes would be tops.

Thanks- Richo.
Have a look at this topic Link

While it is not hard there are several things you need to do right.

Not sure what level you are at but do some searching on the forum for mini mash and partials and it will give you heaps of info

Have a look in your local area for a homebrew club. Sometimes watching others do it is a lot easier

Kabooby :)
You've reached a crossroads, Richo.

You can take the blue pill and you'll wake up in your shed with another can of goo and forget you ever asked this question. Or you can take the red pill, and you'll start to understand what's in the can. You will understand what beer is made of. The real beer, not the can of goop homebrew you see in your glass before you every day, but the REAL beer. Once you see what beer is made of, there is no going back.

So make your choice. What will it be? The blue pill or the red?
Have you been waiting a while to use that analogy Pomo :lol:

Its a good one

Kabooby :)
Check out this thread
On about page 5, there are lots of blokes volunteering to help adelaide brewers with AG.
Why don't you give one a PM and see if you can see a demo?
You've reached a crossroads, Richo.

You can take the blue pill and you'll wake up in your shed with another can of goo and forget you ever asked this question. Or you can take the red pill, and you'll start to understand what's in the can. You will understand what beer is made of. The real beer, not the can of goop homebrew you see in your glass before you every day, but the REAL beer. Once you see what beer is made of, there is no going back.

So make your choice. What will it be? The blue pill or the red?

Thanks man... but i don't do drugs.. i'm tryin Home brew...

Next thing i know your sucking some metal slug out of my belly button..

Thanks all, I'll check out all links when i have more time.
I was so sure he was the One.

Greg, this is what happens when you take the RED PILL.
Thanks fatzilla... Thats a disturbing insight into your spare time.. :p

Hmm.. Blue pill perhaps..
You've reached a crossroads, Richo.

You can take the blue pill and you'll wake up in your shed with another can of goo and forget you ever asked this question. Or you can take the red pill, and you'll start to understand what's in the can. You will understand what beer is made of. The real beer, not the can of goop homebrew you see in your glass before you every day, but the REAL beer. Once you see what beer is made of, there is no going back.

So make your choice. What will it be? The blue pill or the red?

:lol: :super: funniest post in a long done. thats a biggup!
in all seriousness tho take the AG road. its a bit daunting reading all the stuff at first. i say dont read to much and shoot someone a PM in Adelaide and go watch. Once you see how easy it is you'll kick yourself. Most of the time spent AG brewing is waiting for stuff to happen. Its a piece of piss.

Now Neo. The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to. ;)
The dark any murky path to AG is looming
Once you've seen the light it is not so gloomy
Get your arse in gear for learning
the art of brewing is yearning
that if you got patience we're Assuming

Shit that is bad. Good night folks
Howdy Greg/Richo
Will be doing AG's every few weeks from now on. PM if keen to watch/partake in one.
Once you do you will never go back to that canned crap. A good analagy is the flavour of powderd milk to fresh un homoginised milk un pasteurised milk.... only its beer :wacko:
Gregg J
Thanks fatzilla... Thats a disturbing insight into your spare time.. :p

Hmm.. Blue pill perhaps..

No, not the blue Pill the red pill

Keep playing with the goo until you feel happy to change. As your knowledge of procedures and people increases, your brewing of beer will improve. There are some real good people in Adelaide who make a very strong brewing scene. Find the ones who are happy to help and go watch them and talk to them. A last bit of advice you may like to take, amend your info and put your suburb in. You may find you are quite close to any number of brewers. Also there are some great retailers in Adelaide. Find out off the Adelaide brewers where the good home brew shops are and get a good relationship going there. Best of luck and good brewing.


The dark any murky path to AG is looming
Once you've seen the light it is not so gloomy
Get your arse in gear for learning
the art of brewing is yearning
that if you got patience we're Assuming

Matti, That's Gold !

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