Things I Have Leart From Home Brewing

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What ive learnt about beer:

I costs bugger all to make good beer. Each beer I pour costs about $10 bucks cause I keep buying new gear to make cheap beer
Things i've learnt from homebrewing

1. I've made a poor career choice, brewing is better than data entry
2. Friends don't give a toss about how good the flavour of "X" craft beer is, TED and Carlton Dry are "Refreshing and easy to drink"
3. Even with just a kit, some hops and malt extract, I can make a beer that tastes far better than any megaswill
4. The Mrs does NOT want to hear any more ideas about my next beer/cider experiment, keg fridge upgrade or anything to do whatsoever with brewing
1. Don't try to make your brewing system "perfect" - perfect is a moving target and is always just beyond reach.
2. Other brewers have almost always overcome whatever problem you're currently trying to solve. If facing difficulty, ask, don't re-invent the wheel.
If your friends don't appreciate good beer, get new friends.
Post boil wort will form blisters and cause the lips to swell if siphoned into the mouth.

Precautions: Check ball valve operates freely, as opposed to snapping off flush with the valve body. Best done prior to filling the kettle..

Risk factors: 1st beer consumed at 'mash in' stage.
Post boil wort will form blisters and cause the lips to swell if siphoned into the mouth.

Precautions: Check ball valve operates freely, as opposed to snapping off flush with the valve body. Best done prior to filling the kettle..

Risk factors: 1st beer consumed at 'mash in' stage.

:lol: we have a winner!
clean and sanitize and if in doubt do it again..and don't believe instructions on can's of whatever
3 freezers and 2 'fridges is not too many.
Patience really is a virtue.
I need a shed.
When you have a rare night on commercial megaswill you get the worst hangover. I don't care what they say, there's got to be some reason why that happens. I can drink home brewed 8% beers and not have anywhere near as bad a hangover.
1. Men in the street will come from everywhere when they smell you brewing in the carport.
2. Have not met a woman yet that likes the smell of brewing beer.
1. Men in the street will come from everywhere when they smell you brewing in the carport.
2. Have not met a woman yet that likes the smell of brewing beer.

How true is that! SWMBO carries on about the smell yet my sons love it...........must be the mars venus thing ;)
1. Everyone likes the smell of their own farts better than everyone else's, regardless if they've smelt better farts or not
2. My beer is better than your beer

goto 1

1. If you want to spend money on homebrew talk to Anthony at Craftbrewer, he'll sell you enough stuff to make you feel like you know what you're doing and give you enough advice that your beer will taste like you know what you're doing.

2. As soon as you start making beer and drinking it from a keg instead of a commercially bottled beer off the shelf your other half will accuse you of drinking too much even though you might be drinking less.

3. Some people will turn their nose up at you when you say you drink homebrew. It's ok these people are generally wine snobs who don't understand the first thing about beer. Ignore them, have a beer, be happy.

4. Read the forums. You will learn so much about brewing, that you wouldn't have thought of looking for elsewhere, just because others are talking about it.
1. Throw away the airlock
2. Don't drink the yeast
If you're going to have a 3v in a townhouse with a keezer, 8 kegs, fermenting fridge and attend bulk buys, you better get good at packing a whole lotta **** into small spaces.
Things I've learnt.
Brewing is fun.
Keeping a brewshed/toolshed tidy = cleanup every three or so months to fit everything in without falling over.
Always brew outside, and keep the doors & windows closed to keep the wife happy.
Brew whatever you like.
Cost isn't an issue when you're brewing belgians... they always work out a tiny fraction of the cost of a slab of chimay blues!
Always point that out to the wife when she asks how much [insert ingredient/gear] cost?
I have learnt that:

1. Most people in Australia know **** all about beer.

2. I love it when Yardy posts, so I can see his Profile Picture.

P.S. I love Canada.

Must be a canadian to post something like "most people in australia know **** all about [insert topic here] " :p

I have learnt:

Work (the day job) can seriously inhibit the amount brewing you can do. to much work, No Time. Not enough work, No money.
Kegging is awesome (I just need kegs :D )
You can brew pissed, just don't fall asleep during the boil
1. Men in the street will come from everywhere when they smell you brewing in the carport.
2. Have not met a woman yet that likes the smell of brewing beer.

My missus actually likes the smell of the many different aspects of brewing. Found her one day with three or four bags of hops trying to pick out the different aromas and will regularly stand over the kettle having a good old smell of the contents.
