The Worst Beer I've Ever Tasted

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Damn said:
Hmmm. My worst.

  1. Boags St George (a six pack sat in my fridge for 6 months which is unheard of)
  2. Special mentions to an off can of boags draught.
  3. I just recently bought a six pack from Dan Murphys of a beer called Not Quite Pale Ale for $11 (Now thats a warning) and believe me it wasn't quite a pale, it was vile, gave to my step father.
  4. And a very special mention to the mouthfuls of Beer N Butts as mentioned before and I agree, still echo's in my head. Had more than my fair share. Brooughgghsplch.
Any knockers of Gippsland Gold are a bit unfair, that's the beer the general public should be drinking rather than CUB.
The thing about Gippsland Gold is that it doesn't travel well, so a lot of people are having it at less than optimal quality. I tried it at the Microbrew showcase in Vic and it tasted much better than the bottle I got at Dans.
Handsome Jake said:
To the people defending Oettingers: Have you ever tried it in a pint/schooner glass? Out of the can it only tastes like the can + a vague beer flavour, but out of the glass, without the can flavour masking it, it's a whole new beast.
Believe it or not, I actually filled a 9.5L part keg with Oettinger (out of 500ml cans) to have my 4th tap operational at my last BBQ. Tasted fine (for what it is) and still formed a fine head, drinking it out of headmaster schooners.
peas_and_corn said:
The thing about Gippsland Gold is that it doesn't travel well, so a lot of people are having it at less than optimal quality. I tried it at the Microbrew showcase in Vic and it tasted much better than the bottle I got at Dans.
The problem with Gippsland Gold (and the rest of the Grand Ridge range, except hatlifter stout and WHOA) is that it is so thick with diacetyl (regardless of what they have said) I can only drink one or two tops without feeling a bit off. While the flavour of the beer itself it fine, it is ruined by the sickly sweet groseness of diacetyl.......especially Gippsland Gold.
Bad beers, crumbs. I can only put them into entire classes of bad. The first would be US microbreweries in the 2000-2005 period. They'd read a book that said what beer was but they clearly didn't have any idea. Random would be putting it kindly.

Victorian microbreweries? Do I need to don flame gear? Seriously, if you can't brew a beer, why bother trying to farm it out as craft beer? Don't get me started on the whole retarded novelty hops explosion of badly balanced craft beers. And all for some eye-watering price as well.

Worst? My own, clearly. From my youth up in Darwin. Coopers tin into a bucket, fermenting around 33c. Sometimes tipping in extra sugar. Most of them were off to some degree.

Worst big label beers? UK is quite good for cheap lager in cans, can't recall a terrible one. US though... Bud, **** like that. Stuff called 'light'. Come to think of it that aussie 'low carb' beer, pure blonde? **** that's foul! Honorary mention for Qingdao or however it's romanised on the can, Tsingtao possibly? The hilarity of watching people drink that **** in Chinese restaurants because they think it's genre or something.

Oh, I've just thought of it. The ultimate badless. I don't think it exists now but it did in my youth. Carlton Light. **** that would elicit groans of distress when VB drinkers opened the eski to find that inside.
There have been too many "worst beers" for me to recall 99% of them...
Handsome Jake said:
To the people defending Oettingers: Have you ever tried it in a pint/schooner glass? Out of the can it only tastes like the can + a vague beer flavour, but out of the glass, without the can flavour masking it, it's a whole new beast.
I've actually only had it in bottles and don't mind it for what it is.
If Sol tasted like anything, I would vote it the worst beer - ever, but it doesnt. Its like a vodka cruiser for beer drinkers.

Great Northern - Cant stand it.

Oetinger bottle cases are a stock cheap backup for me. I like it.
I cant believe the pasting that local megaswill gets yet post after post is selling the virtue's of Oetinger....

Are you people kidding....boring, dull and my great-great grandmother.

Yes there is worse, much worse but why in a thread about bad beer is Oettinger being touted as good beer.
Why is it good? $28 for 24 beers. Might not be the best beer in the world, but it's taste to price ratio is justified. I'm not saying it's virtuous, I'm not saying I like it especially BUT - For $28 a case I will. I don't hate it at all. Cold enough it goes down well enough.

It beats getting shafted for $45 or more to drink CUB or TED.

Means for the same price, I can have a cheap drink that's not offensive, and throw on a 6pack of something interesting (and quality). I reckon there's much worse out there.
A few years ago someone bought me a 4 pack of Chopper Heavy because "you like craft beers". It was a 7% lager with a picture of Chopper Read on the label. Need I say more. Worst Beer Ever. Saw it in a bottle shop later at a frighting price. Something like $9/bottle. I think it was a 50c beer with a $8.50 picture on the front. Tasted like a coopers kit, fermented at 30c with a few extra kilos of sugar thrown in. Then let it sit warm in the bottle until its nice and stale.

Probably shouldn't say that because uncle chop chop will probably come and whack me. Nice knowing you guys.

Just kidding Chopper.. it was lovely.
Emu Export for me.
Someone once brought a couple of cans of it back from S.A. to QLD in a Caravan for me to try.

No No No No No.....
Drunk many a **** beer including a couple of cartons of TUN ($30 for 30 beers- had to do it twice). Agree it is a sickly prick of a thing but as you may have guessed by my second purchase- I can swill **** if thy wallet deems it so.


There is one beer that to this day remains unfinished in my fridge. And that dubious honour goes to Sail and Anchor Draft.

Saw it at Dans for $19.95 a carton- can you believe it? I hadn't seen a sub $20 carton since puberty. So I go to grab 2 cartons and then something deep within my beer psyche says- 'try 1 first try 1 first'. Luckily for me I listened or I would have a carton and a half of completely useless piss to deal with.

Powers Gold gets an honourable mention as a quality POS as well.
Went to a beer tasting the other night for Matso's brewery.
Tried their Chilli Beer.

I thought there would be a hint of chilli but this was hot, hot, hot. :blink:

Glad I got to try one, also glad I didn't buy a case of the stuff.


Mate worked for a grog industry mag and got a heap of six packs from work for $1/each to stock the esky at our annual Mancation. 6 blokes on the trip, exactly one six pack of this beer was drunk over the four day long weekend
Mattress said:
Went to a beer tasting the other night for Matso's brewery.
Tried their Chilli Beer.

I thought there would be a hint of chilli but this was hot, hot, hot. :blink:

Glad I got to try one, also glad I didn't buy a case of the stuff.
Went to Matsos when I was in Broome back in June. The Chilli beer was not good at all.
To be honest, I was ok with the lychee one though. Just thought about it as more of a dry cider and I was happy. Can't remember what it was, but their darker beer was best.
Snatchy said:
The Convict. About 2 hours to get rid of that taste.
I agree the Convict is horrible I bought two bottles and both tasted terrible and I thought my homebrew was bad :p My latest stout toucan is shaping up to be epic though.
Worst was one of mine, truly awful. Worst commercial beer was Lion Red back in the early 90s...don't think they make it any more.