The First Taste Test

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Ok well my first HB was finally ready for its first try... we took photo's :) (be sure to see in order scroll down slow) BTW im the tall guy

Hooray beer time!



Oh god the taste hit us!!!!

Its like theres a party in my mouth and everyones throwing up

Its horrble... lol its so estery and yuck... i think i'll ask the LHBS owner to try a bit and suggest whether it could become drinkable with age or just to tip it down the sink.... I'm feeling a bit sad now lol!!
Colour and carbonation look good. How long in the bottle and what kit is it ?
Fear not, you are not the first homebrewers too have that result from your first beer.

You are in the right place to make your next beer an excellent drop.

Now post some details of what you made and how you made it and we may collectively be able to help.


Ha Ha Ha Ha... I had the same experience a couple of nights ago. First brew...looked beautiful... taste...hmm... not so beautiful... mine smelt real fruity, and didn't taste much better... I'm going to leave it a few weeks and see how it goes...
Patience. Try a longneck a week & check the improvements time makes.
one of you guys got the shirt back to front.
we do not have our shirts back to front... lol

mine was quite fruity too brew girl

it was a cerveza from brewcraft, all the standard things. nothing extra. I'll leave it and hope the yeast cleans up the estery taste. I was so happy when it poured out like it did. then i was just crushed... lol
we do not have our shirts back to front... lol

mine was quite fruity too brew girl

it was a cerveza from brewcraft, all the standard things. nothing extra. I'll leave it and hope the yeast cleans up the estery taste. I was so happy when it poured out like it did. then i was just crushed... lol

I share your pain... I'm hoping time will make the difference
It really sucks when all your effort turns to crap. But it happens to us all. I've had a pretty bad year of brewing. Quite a few turned out very average or undrinkable.

Just don't give up. Keep brewing, cos when you make a great beer, every longneck is sheer heaven, and you'll be so proud you made it yourself. :beer:
Cheers, Pete
Haha, thanks for the photos. They livened up a dull Monday morning.

I reckon everyone should do a ESB 3kg kit as their first kit.

Nothing to add, and typically good results.

Your mates face is a classic in the last pic. :lol:
I have fellow workers looking at me as I had a laugh.

Get back in the saddle and try again.
Hey, it can only get better now you can read up and ask questions on making beer right here right.

- Luke

BTW: what temp did you ferment it at and for how long?
My first three or four brews were like yours, then I brewed a lager (Country Brewer - Xtract Lager w Crystal grain - comes with a good dry yeast) when the weather got chilly. Brewed it @ 12-14 degrees for 2 weeks (standard time for me) then bottled for 4 weeks. Beautiful and beautiful the 2nd, 3rd, 4th brew. Went back to ales this summer and have struggled. Got on to and have worked out temp control + sanitation = drinkable beer. Maybe that's why my ales went pear-shaped, temp peaked a bit @ 26-27 for a day so maybe wrecked it. Now have picked up an old 2nd fridge and FridgeMate arrived today! Hope to get more consistent results now. My theory is, if you're going to brew - keep at it, I need to justify the expense and effort.
I remember by first brew...actually I try not to remember my first brew.

We have all been there, made the crap beer and persisted and progressed.

From the photos it looks clear and carbonated, try leaving it for a while to see if the taste improves. If not, then give another kit a go. I would recommend trying something extremely straight forward, just a Kit, a Kilo then mix and pitch. Concentrate on the sterilization. Good luck with the next one.
It really sucks when all your effort turns to crap. But it happens to us all.

I just poured a batch down the drain yesterday, SWMBO asked "why waste it?" my reply was "are you going to drink it?" answer "......."

I even tried palming it over as reasonable beer after my mates had just polished off two other kegs on Sat night. Was hoping that we would be to far and wouldn't notice. :rolleyes:

I would recommend trying something extremely straight forward, just a Kit, a Kilo then mix and pitch. Concentrate on the sterilization. Good luck with the next one.

I agree, "KISS" everything until it can be done like clockwork.

Keep it up and good luck :)
I have to aggree with sammy, buy a three kilo ESB kit which uses ale yeast, and as long as you are absolutly scrupulus with the cleaning there really isnt much that can go wrong.
Ive already got another batch underway with proper cooling. my first one brewed at a max of 29 degrees!! so thats why i invested in some cooling devices... this next batch hasn't gotten over 22 degrees to my knowledge. so should be much better :)

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