teeheeclick to blow it up,
Thanks to those who replied without condescension. Diagrams don't help me a lot and your clear instructions have really helped. Much appreciated. Problem solved. It's all soldered up and working fine now, wort incoming... Thanks again, cheers!
Thanks to those who replied without condescension. Diagrams don't help me a lot and your clear instructions have really helped. Much appreciated. Problem solved. It's all soldered up and working fine now, wort incoming... Thanks again, cheers!
Ok, just found out WHY I shouldn't have soldered it. I'll get some connectors for it in the morning (turned off now) and do it properly. I've not done 240V before and didn't realise the heat would melt the solder. So, overall, quite good, and I have learned something rather than just having a sparky do it for me. Thanks again.
Ok, just found out WHY I shouldn't have soldered it. I'll get some connectors for it in the morning (turned off now) and do it properly. I've not done 240V before and didn't realise the heat would melt the solder. So, overall, quite good, and I have learned something rather than just having a sparky do it for me. Thanks again.
Hi all,
With reference to solder I have set up quite a few fridge controllers for brewers for fermenting and kegging and while I am not a qualified electrician I have always soldered (tinned in old fitters language) the wires on the ends that go into the numbered terminals on the temp controllers.
I have found that the controllers I have used (fridgemate and Dixcell) have a very small screw to mount the wires and by tinning or soldering the ends of the wires it creates the opportunity for a more secure connection.
If I am doing something wrong than can you qualified blokes tell me why and how to do it properly?
I soldered the wires that are connected together, ie the blues and browns that go together into the block and the earth wires. I didn't have any connectors and don't really like having wires twisted together. They are not soldered into the block, just together and then held into the block with its clamp.
Its much more beneficial to state WHY I shouldn't have soldered it, instead of just saying I shouldn't. It's working fine now anyway and there is no possibility of electrocution due to exposed wires or the wires coming apart etc.
I'm sorry that you were offended by being told that you shouldn't have done something dangerous. However, You weren't particularly forthcoming with information considering you were asking for help.