Tehran police. Not happy.

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Sounds like a " happy " place to live.
It's beyond tragic what has happened to Iran since the Islamic revolution. Women are beaten raped and stoned to death for no wearing their potato sacks.

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Some homosexual men just hanging out.

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Getting stoned (if you are a woman) isn't as fun as it sounds either.

I also shudder to think the fate in store for the poor Chibok schoolgirls at the mercy of unmitigated c**t and delusional fundamentalist lunatic Abubakar Shekau. Looks like, according to him, a bright future of slavery awaits.

The students are being forced into Islam] and into marriage with members of Boko Haram, with a reputed "bride price" of 2,000 each ($12.50/£7.50)

"Slavery is allowed in my religion, and I shall capture people and make them slaves."

"Allah instructed me to sell them...I will carry out his instructions" - Shekau.
It's historically accurate to say that Mohammed was a paedophile, married a 13 year old girl. Sort of the Rolf Harris of his era. The sad thing is that primitives like Keysar Trad (Sheikh Hilarious's minder) want to bring in Shariah law and polygamy etc to Australia.

Edit: I should point out that I am not annoyed by Islam as a religion practiced by modern and civilised people, practiced peacefully and with respect to all, as I witnessed when I lived in Turkey. I get just as upset when the remaining factions of the IRA murder Protestants in Northern Ireland and vice versa.
Bribie G said:
It's historically accurate to say that Mohammed was a paedophile, married a 13 year old girl. Sort of the Rolf Harris of his era. The sad thing is that primitives like Keysar Trad (Sheikh Hilarious's minder) want to bring in Shariah law and polygamy etc to Australia.

Edit: I should point out that I am not annoyed by Islam as a religion practiced by modern and civilised people, practiced peacefully and with respect to all, as I witnessed when I lived in Turkey. I get just as upset when the remaining factions of the IRA murder Protestants in Northern Ireland and vice versa.
Actually, Aisha was six. But she didn't shack up - consummate - with the illiterate goat herder until the ripe old age of nine, as per shariah.
What a beautiful story.
Yes, big bag of what the actual ****.
Have just started reading a book and the first section is someone travelling in Iran.
Do some research on a prison called Evin and the Basijis.
I'm very against demonisation of cultures and while I am strongly atheist, I don't believe belitting of individuals who involve themselves in religion is particularly helpful. However religious principle made law is a ******' scary thing and when you add governments believing in and enforcing non negotiable, doctrine/dogma informed ********, steam starts to come out of my ears. Fundamentalists of any and all doctrines should fall in a really, really deep hole like the one in the first bit of return of the jedi. At the very least, I hope their virgins are virtous due to looks and personality rather than considered chastity.
manticle said:
At the very least, I hope their virgins are virtous due to looks and personality rather than considered chastity.
That's hilarious! Government and any religion, including worship of Dollar Green, do not belong together. There are vast lands of personal responsibility which can be taught without the aid of religion. I appreciate religions as one expression of culture, but never, ever as a mechanism of rule at any level.
Same one eyed selective filthy ***** that led to WW2 and cost 65 million plus lives.
And yet we had our very own churches, complete with government law, deciding that it was best for the children of our indigenous folk, un married mothers and who ever they deemed, to be removed and placed into instituitions for there own well being....

Well didnt that turn out ******* wonderfull and dandy...
Yes that happened. In the past. It was horrible and it's basically universally acknowledged as a national shame and we shouldn't forget it lest we repeat it.

How is it relevant though? We are talking about Iran right now in 2014. It's not exactly a secret that many countries did disgusting things in the past, that doesn't make it acceptable or less noteworthy that Iran is doing the wrong thing (and I don't think that's what Stu was saying by the way, but I actually don't know what he was getting at).

It has been the start of all wars. And its ********. Religion is supposed to be about forgiveness and sharing.....but the records show otherwise...
Ducatiboy stu said:
It has been the start of all wars. And its ********. Religion is supposed to be about forgiveness and sharing.....but the records show otherwise...
Hard line extremist religious fruit cakes are the cause of the problems not the general followers,believers,those who are about forgiveness and sharing. Never forget that!
Ducatiboy stu said:

It has been the start of all wars. And its ********. Religion is supposed to be about forgiveness and sharing.....but the records show otherwise...
I've had to fight, nearly to the death, to prove the superiority of the Flying Spaghetti Monster you damned hypocrite. It started out as a joke, yet now horrible crimes are being committed in it's name.
Ducatiboy stu said:
I am a confirmed Pastafarian
If I can get a hot threesome going with the hunk and FSM in your signature, sign me up. Although he looks to well hung to be a Grafton boy.

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