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Hi fellow beer drinkers,

Being new to all grain brewing i have tried a couple of recipies those being doc's golden promise and landlord ale and was blown away by the taste and aroma of a fresh all grain no preservative, pasturiser free beer. i am looking for different recipies to try, i live in Brisbane and was wondering if at the Babb meetings you can get a chance to sample any of the the members brews and if so do you have to join or just rock up with some of your own cheers,

Pretty sure there is a BABBS sub-section in the clubs section of the forum. You'll get a better response posting there.

If it's anything like melbourne Brewers - rock up with some beers, taste others and see if you like it.

As for recipes - there's hundreds in the recipe DB. Sort out into all grain then click rating and you will get the top rated beers (those two of Doc's being in the top 10 with the golden at number 1.)

Argon's little fellas and Tony's LCBA clone are favourites too.
Another way to find great recipes is to look into great commercial beers of the world and then google said beer with clone recipe after its name.

Also, get yourself a copy of the BJCP Style Guidelines pdf and print it out and have a read. While it's great to make up your own recipes, there's good reason for styles. You can almost construct a recipe from the information in the Style Guidelines.
Hi fellow beer drinkers,

Being new to all grain brewing i have tried a couple of recipies those being doc's golden promise and landlord ale and was blown away by the taste and aroma of a fresh all grain no preservative, pasturiser free beer. i am looking for different recipies to try, i live in Brisbane and was wondering if at the Babb meetings you can get a chance to sample any of the the members brews and if so do you have to join or just rock up with some of your own cheers,


BM, come to a meeting, bring some of your brews and I can guarantee you that you will be blown away by all the beer talk and tasting.



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