Taps... Brass Or Stainless?

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I'm building a custom font for my new bar and wondering if there is any difference between the chromed brass and the stainless steel taps? Differences in taste, longevity, etc? I know there's a $$$ difference so far! :)
no difference in taste until the plate wears off the brass. goes without saying that SS will last longer too.
I've been wondering the same myself as my keg fridge draws closer. What's wrong with just brass, does it leach copper into the beer or something? I seem to remember that everything was brass with the old UK beer engine-served beer and looks nice polished up.

My vote would be for stainless.

A little more investment upfront, but this is a lifetime investment we are talking about here!

In saying that, if you like the look of Brass, why not go for it?
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While we have some knowledgeable people on the thread ATM does anyone know if they still make side-basher taps? I can't find them on the Craftbrewer site any more and would love a couple for their 'retro pub' look.


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Thanks Barra, will enquire further, they don't have a price on them so I'll submit a form and see how much. :)
good work fents , suprising theyre dearer than the florytes
suppose thats because of the fact theyre ready to plumb in almost...
Anyone worrying about adding taste from brass taps shouldn't.

I would be more concerned with copper and brass fittings in the mash tun and the kettle. People use it all the time, and don't seem to have any taste problems.

Surely boiling it would be more likely to add taste than a nice cold tap :icon_cheers:

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While we have some knowledgeable people on the thread ATM does anyone know if they still make side-basher taps? I can't find them on the Craftbrewer site any more and would love a couple for their 'retro pub' look.

View attachment 29302

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:icon_offtopic: I have a couple in the shed not being used, can take a photo of them if your interested.
Pls grab camera ! If you are interested in selling I'm interested. What 'beer line' connection to they take, fairly standard?
Pls grab camera ! If you are interested in selling I'm interested. What 'beer line' connection to they take, fairly standard?

They are just the taps. You'd need to grab an adapter such as this, and a shank such as this to attach them to a fridge.Then something like this to attch the beer lin to the shank.
I only want $20 each for them, they're pretty old.

See GMK for the other parts, he's cheaper than Andale.
Thanks MCT, I suppose adding up the various bits I'll need it's probably better to look around for a complete assembly (guy had one for sale the other day on the forum and I missed out). Like they say if you built a Falcon out of spare parts it could be done but would cost a Million Dollars :p

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