Tap King Bottle refilling? Anyone tried or know anyone that has?

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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So I got a couple of empty Tap King bottles and wondering if anyone has attempted re-using the bottles for either just storing your brew in or else refilling the small canister inside as well.

Seem like pretty sturdy bottles worth keeping for at least storing the brew in (Is there any reason why I shouldnt do this?)

Wondering if anyone has attempted this or know anyone that has and if so how.


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Cheers for that. I did search through the archives for something on this before asking but never came across anything. Cheers again.
I spoke to one if the guys at CB and he's had a few enquires about the little co2 bulbs. Not enough demand yet but a few people (myself included) have been asking about them.
He said he would prob get the bulbs in at some stage and see if they sell.
Not sure if the tap would work as good if bulk primed and added into the. Bottles.

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