Tap-a-draught Kegs

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Has any one found a viable alternative to tap a draught kegs as they are prone to exploding, mate of mine has had 2 blow so far
There's the Party Pig dispensing system, the drawback of which is that you need to import proprietary in-cask inflater bags for each of your brews. Apart from that, it looks like a pretty cool little system.

My wish is for an English-style pressure barrel product to be developed here. Could be great for bitters, porters in winter.
There's the Party Pig dispensing system, the drawback of which is that you need to import proprietary in-cask inflater bags for each of your brews. Apart from that, it looks like a pretty cool little system.

My wish is for an English-style pressure barrel product to be developed here. Could be great for bitters, porters in winter.

I'm happy with the Tap A Draught dipensing set up but not so much the kegs and was looking something to use instead of these
I'm happy with the Tap A Draught dipensing set up but not so much the kegs and was looking something to use instead of these

By 'kegs' do you mean the plastic PET bottles? When I used TAD I got some adapters from a US site that allowed the TAD to be used with the 5Lt minikegs that DAB, Bittenberg? etc come in. I used the TAD system ( 2 x heads ) with minikegs and the supplied 6Lt plastic bottles for 2+ years with no problems or exploding containers.

By 'kegs' do you mean the plastic PET bottles? When I used TAD I got some adapters from a US site that allowed the TAD to be used with the 5Lt minikegs that DAB, Bittenberg? etc come in. I used the TAD system ( 2 x heads ) with minikegs and the supplied 6Lt plastic bottles for 2+ years with no problems or exploding containers.

Hey MK,

Can you give a link to one of those adapters? I'm interested to see. Did you need to modify the minikegs very much to use them? I had heard that they were very difficult to refill/reuse.

will try to find a link for the adapter when I get to my puter at home.....

the standard 5Lt minikeg are easy to reuse the Heineken not so! With a standard 5Lt minikeg the tap on the minikeg is not used, everything is done through the bung/hole in the top.

FIRST - Use the TAD & Adapter to consume the minikeg contents by:

1. Pop the inner white plastic bung plug.
2. Insert the adapter into outer grey rubber bung.
3. Fit the TAD to the adapter, gas and go.

When minikeg drained:

6. wash out minikeg and dry out. Sanitize before use.
6. The keg is refilled ( with your brew ) & primed ( your standard sugaz, dex, malt..... ).
7. The bungs refitted and left for a couple/four weeks.
8. Repeat from step 1.

I did this umteen times when I used the system. Get to drink the DAB, Bitten..... whatever by using the TAD then refill the minikeg with something better and use again. You need to keep the minikegs clean and dry between uses, inspect the innards before reusing ( a pen torch was the go for this ) and when you think the plastic lining is not OK for another use you chuck it and start again. I got 5 - 6 reuses with being anal!

got my adapter from this mob:


but a 'googlie' along the lines of 'Tap a Draft adapter' should throw up a few suppliers.

Shipping cost was as much as the 2 x adapters but I got my money's worth I reckon. At the time I had no space for a full kegging system and the TAD was a way to get draft beer in a small space. A compromise but it worked for me. Never had a problem - the only thing I can think of when I hear of exploding bottles is over carbing or the brew not having finnished before being bottled. ( My 2c worth ).

I have relocated and now have a cornie keg system BUT I am happy with what the TAD did for me.

Edit to give a better linky 25/01/10
OK! just been through the dark corner in the shed and have found some odds n sodds. I think the two adapters are in amongst it all - If you two ( nelsonbrewer and notung ) are interested you can have one each. PM me and I'll send you my address so you can send a self addressed postie baggie or some such like. ( free, gratus, zilch........ still won't be enough moved on for the wifes liking! anyone need a set of datsun 120Y bumper bars? ) :p

Guys have a look at www.thebeeressentials.com at their 5ltr kegs price ok waiting on a quote for freight
John D
Forget it $104 US freight plus import duties on $45 US worth of kegs

1. Buy a full keg here.
2. drink/drain it.
3. clean it out.
4. refill and....
5. repeat from step 2. ;)

I'll send an adapter and you can go, go, go.......

I think it cost me $10 ea for adapters and $30 shipping but I got my use several times over. :)

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