Tad 5lt Pet Explosion!

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O.k guy's,

I bulk prime and have never had a bottle explode...until now. A 5lt tap-a-Draft bottle went up like a hand grenade in the laundry and i got hit by shrapnel. I had just moved it to one side when BANG! A piece of the plastic hit the tip of my right ring finger. A bit of plastic went under the nail and the other piece hit with enough force to break the tip of my finger and crack the bone in the first joint. Brewing i now on hold as i am awaiting some part from Beerbelly before setting up the AG.
glass is extremely brittle, i doubt it'd be able to generate the same explosive force as plastic, but i may be wrong

Mate i hope you are right. Like i said, have never had a glass bottle go and hope i never do!!!

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