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I have a Belgian Trippel in my fermenting fridge. It started out at 1.070, fermented for 3 days and I fed it 500g of muscavado sugar, day four I added another 500g, both additions were a boiled syrup. I fermented it for a bit over a week in primary at 20C and the activity seemed to steady right up, then I think I made the fatal mistake of racking it too early. When I racked it, gravity was 1.035, and it's stayed right there ever since (a bit over a week) even though I increased the temp up to 22C.

I'm thinking of re-pitching, but the only thing I have is a pack of Fermentis Safbrew T-58. I'm wondering if anyone has used this yeast in a Trippel before? Or if anyone has any experience with this yeast? Just curious if it will throw flavours that will be out of place in a Trippel.
I'm thinking of re-pitching, but the only thing I have is a pack of Fermentis Safbrew T-58. I'm wondering if anyone has used this yeast in a Trippel before? Or if anyone has any experience with this yeast? Just curious if it will throw flavours that will be out of place in a Trippel.
Should be fine in a trippel (I've used it in one before), can be a bit spicy and peppery from my experience which should be nice. But it sounds like most of your ferment is done so flavour addition from T-58 should be less than your starting yeast.

Cheers, Andrew.
I have used it when bulk priming a trippel and belgian strong dark with good results. I usually have undercarbed big Belgians but not with these two.
used it in a Roggen, wouldn't be my choice for that style again, not sure about the trippel though.
I found that I could only get this yeast down to 1.015 with a dubble I recently brewed. And that was after a good 20 days in primary.
Thanks for the input, everyone. I decided to pitch the T-58 and it's slowly starting to fire. This will be the first beer I've ever double pitched so I'll be interested to see how the two yeasts go together (Originally pitched with WY1388).
This is the first I've ever used T-58 myself and was convinced it would not be as good a result as I have with the wyeast 1214 but the first 2 bottles I've sampled have well exceeded my expectations.
Missed this thread earlier...

I did much the same thing as you, used T-58 to pick up an underpitched or under-aerated ferment. It tasted horrible for a few weeks, before clearing up and turning out pretty decent. I had brewed with it once before and chucked the whole batch because I thought it had turned. So if you get the same effect, don't write it off as infected until a few weeks later when the T-58 has dropped to the floor.
Missed this thread earlier...

I did much the same thing as you, used T-58 to pick up an underpitched or under-aerated ferment. It tasted horrible for a few weeks, before clearing up and turning out pretty decent. I had brewed with it once before and chucked the whole batch because I thought it had turned. So if you get the same effect, don't write it off as infected until a few weeks later when the T-58 has dropped to the floor.

I used the T-58 in a golden strong ale last year. I almost threw it out upon bottling, it tasted a bit off.
It took about 6 months to come good, and I have a few left over for this Christmas.
Cheers for the heads up, PoMo and Pete. I might let this one sit in a nice cool dark place until comp time next year.. :p
Hi Schooey,
Thought I'd pass on my one and only (and recent) experience with T-58. I made a Westmalle tripel clone with an SG of 1.084 and mash temp 62C. it got down to 1.018 in two weeks at 19C and that was as far as it went no mater what I did, including stiring, raising the temp to 22C. It had had enough, it was an ex-parrot.


So I've just about had enough of this Tripel! After repitching with the T-58 and raising the temp to 24C two and a half weeks ago, it's still sitting at 1.035. I'm not sure whether to bottle it or tip it? If I bottle it with dextrose am I just going to make a batch of bottle bombs?
That sounds far too high to me for a tripel that started at 1070. Did the T-58 do anything at all? Any fermentation evident after you pitched it? It might be worth having another go with some more yeast, but make sure it's a good quantity of yeast at high krausen when you pitch it to give it a chance. Something like 1056 might be good as it's really hardy and fairly neutral.
Nope it did bugger all, Stu. No activity in the airlock, no krausen, nothing. I've tasted it and it doesn't seem infected or have any funky flavours. I just pitched the T-58 dry on top so maybe that's the problem. Will see if I can find a packet of 1056 somewhere and give it a go, if that fails its going on the spare block next door :(
It doesn't have to be 1056, but that just sprung to mind. Any yeast that's already going great guns will do, and having something Belgian or something neutral would probably be the best for flavour reasons.
All I have at the moment is a yeast slurry of US-05 that I'm about to take an APA off, a starter of WY2124 or some slants of WY1388 that would take me a week to build a starter from. I reckon I might go so what MHB has in stock in smack packs.
Hey Stuster, just wanted to say thanks for the advice on this one. After 3 yeasts and 8 weeks in secondary I finally got it in a bottle.

It ended up finishing at 1012. Starting out at 1.070 and with the 2 sugar additions, Im not quite sure how to work out the alcohol, but it took 6 weeks in the bottle to get some carbonation happening. Anyway, it's turned out a bloody nice beer! Very similar to the La Trappe Tripel, but maybe a tad spicier due to the T-58, but that may fade in time.
Good stuff, schooey. Glad it got there in the end.

If you added a kilo of sugar to a 23L 1070 wort that got down to 1012 in the end, with some bottling sugars, you'd probably end up around 10%. :party:

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