SWMBO's away time to play

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Journeyman, the learning never stops
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Ok so this missus is taking the kids away for four days, as we only recently moved and I broke my hand (the hand is now 70%), not much brewing has taken place.
I have gotten down a BIAB in the urn but the big rig has sat idle. The BIAB brew I did is siting in the fermenter lagering.

I was thinking of doing another single batch BIAB in the vein of a grolsch type thing, chilling it overnight then keging the beer thats lagering and pitching the cake. Also going to run the main rig through with some PBW break out the big malt pipe(aint tried it yet) and run a double IPA. I've probably got half a keg of beer in the keggerator it's desperate times.

So along with the beers I have a few other projects,

I need to mount the 32" TV above the taps and get The Raspberry PI loaded with Raspberry pints(haven't got flow sensors yet but it is in the plan) then see if I can start the work to get brew pi linked in also.
I have to move all the storage out of the garage to where the fridges currently are and the fridges to the garage.
There's no power in the garage so I'm going to try and figure that out as well as Networking.
In the end should have space to brew with pool table, keggerator, TV (with PS4, brewPI, RaspberyPints and internet), and both ferment fridges.

It's going to be a busy busy couple of days think I need a beer.

Will post some progress pic as I go.
Hopefully my niece and brew assistant comes up for air from the love puddle she's been immersed in for the last month long enough to lend a hand.

House to yourself for a few days, you luck bastard.
Good luck with the brewery reno, and remember there is no shame in buying beer, consider it research.
so Two days in and mostly going well. Decided not to swap everything and just move the kegger, and sort the storage. That did give enough room to play with. I spent the day sorting out the mount for the TV/Tap list display; it was a bloody nightmare, and I ended up 10mm off center (that's going to drive me nuts) and yes I measure more than twice so it's got me how I stuffed up. I requisition a cupboard from the spare room; now just sayin' if SWMBO wanted to use it, it shouldn't have been empty, it's now grain storage. I may revisit the TV mount later in the year and fill the current holes with expander foam, I'm thinking of having bolts made to do the job properly. I'm yet to brew a beer but that's on the cards for tomorrow, but for now I better get back to it and clean up and put the taps and kegs back.

Ed: will post some pics tonight
OK so the day started off the hard way dragged the keggerator into the garage and stripped off the taps and emptied the contents.
This is the cupboard I stole, the grain and stir plate gear look good in it.
So I stipped the inside of this drill my holes, then the fun began with the badly designed vessa mount.
After some mucking around I eventually got it sorted, and back on cooling duties, the kegs were out for most of the day so will have to wait till tomorrow for the first pour.
I also got cables run for the surround sound amp.
Things still to do include:
Load software to the Raspberry PI
Finish BrewPI satellites (blue tooth)<< could take a few more weeks
Bit of a general tidy up

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