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I almost hijacked a thread, but I deleted it because I'd rather not ruin someone's story. Here's the thread BTW.
So it's been bugging me since I joined, what is with the SWMBO stuff on this forum. Are you all so very henpecked? If she don't like it, tell her to remember to take the kids when she goes! Just kidding, I haven't sneaked one past the keeper yet, but my girl wouldn't dream of shitting on my dream, AKA brewing. She knows it's what gets me up in the morning. If the smell bothered her, she'd go down the street for a bit. So what's the go?
I understand neither rhetoric, irony nor sarcasm. Each will have his own motivation for using the term but I'd say that for the vast majority one of those would be the motivation for using it.

Anyone for whom the term might be apt wouldn't dare use it.

You guys get upset about some stupid **** sometimes.
"The Boss", "Minister of Finance", "The War Office" "My Lovely Little Acid Spitting Cactus Plant", ok maybe not the last one... You've heard them all. It's inherently Aussie to take the piss out of all and sundry, the Significant Other is no exception.
Terms of endearment for most of us, I'm sure.
In days of yore the term used to be 'The old ball & chain'. Purely in the great tradition of guys lampooning the wife amongst mates. I use the term SWMBO here because its pretty funny - actually never heard of it before AHB - but in truth my wife loves my brewing hobby, the beers I produce and even contributed a hundred bucks for grain last week.

In reality, we are the boss. Right ? Right ? Be right back, SWMBO has just demanded I take the garbage bins out. :lol:
When I met my Mrs did she knew I liked a beer...Did you hide it ? I didnt.
She knew I brewed...Did you hide it ? I didnt.
Do I have a problem with her in any way with my homebrewing ? Nope.
Here endeth the lesson.... ;)
Rumpole of the Bailey not sure if it is spelt like that but it was an ABC or BBC British show stared actor Leo Mckern

She who must be obeyed was one of his lines that was always used

Not saying thats where this saying came from but thats where I first herd it

I'll go back into my hole now cheers all
Hilda Rumpole (Peggy Thorpe-Bates) (Series 1-3, TVM); (Marion Mathie) (Series 4-7): Also known as "She Who Must Be Obeyed". Would dearly love to see Rumpole become a Q.C., and Head of Chambers neither of which are honours Rumpole really wants. Played by Joyce Heron in the original BBC Play For Today
At the end of the day they hold all the cards '' you get those hops and your not getting any for a month''or ''you can stay home and brew and not see my parents but your not getting any for a year''
I almost hijacked a thread, but I deleted it because I'd rather not ruin someone's story. Here's the thread BTW.
So it's been bugging me since I joined, what is with the SWMBO stuff on this forum. Are you all so very henpecked? If she don't like it, tell her to remember to take the kids when she goes! Just kidding, I haven't sneaked one past the keeper yet, but my girl wouldn't dream of shitting on my dream, AKA brewing. She knows it's what gets me up in the morning. If the smell bothered her, she'd go down the street for a bit. So what's the go?

I admit it, I'm under the thumb. I wanted to sleep in on Sunday but Mrs Hatchy heard my alarm & made me go outside & brew. The realisation that I was whipped was pretty tough for me until I found a self help group here.
Yes, women are strange beasts at times but I admit I prefer to have her around.

Hence a happy wife is a happy life. 30L of boiling wort drippping onto the new cooker does not entail a happy wife.

Remember, the man is the head of the household........

The wife is the neck, and controls which way the head points.

My wife is moderately cool with my brewing, back when we were a bit broke (only one income) and things were tight then nearly EVERY purchase was discussed but these days provided I pay the bills, spend time with our daughter and don't consume the house with brewing related items it's open slather...........

And if it does get ugly, I just mention the mountain of wool that has taken over nearly every empty space in the bedroom.
The term was I believe coined by H Rider Haggard in the novel She, bit of a hard read in that its very Victorian, but then not many people coin a phrase thats still in use over 100 years later.

Its probably because SWMBO can be said as a word, and it just becomes a word for your significant other, so it becomes part of how people talk on forums.
I'm sure people wouldnt be able to pull it off in conversation out loud, just like you wouldnt verbalise "LOL", but you read it as "lol" in your head, just like "swmbo".

And i'm sure people dont read it as (example):
"My she who must be obeyed said that on the weekend ..." etc etc

theyll read it as:
"My swimbo said that on the weekend..." etc etc

or am I wrong
The term was I believe coined by H Rider Haggard in the novel She, bit of a hard read in that its very Victorian, but then not many people coin a phrase thats still in use over 100 years later.



Rumpole was chock full of literary references and things like the Haggard quote always made it that little bit more sharp. Rumpole was also very fond of Wordsworth which he liberally quoted to ignorant magistrates when proving a point.


theyll read it as:
"My swimbo said that on the weekend..." etc etc

funny, cos me, I read it as SWOMBO! Funny how we all make up our own way to say stuff! :lol:


ps. I think I'll start adding it into my everyday conversation! ;)

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