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Luckily enough, my girlfriend was a beer drinker when I first met her. Carlton Draught drinker though, but you gotta start somewhere.

Even more luckily, she has an open mind about things, and with a bit of coaxing from me, started getting into the more serious stuff. Loving Little Creatures and Schofferhofer Hefeweizen, and eventually even some of my better homebrews.

More recently though she's been getting into wine a bit more (as have I), and finds most beer a bit too bloating to have too many. Getting into wine though probably is a good thing, because she seems to appreciate beer almost at the same level as me...besides lambics! :p
she seems to appreciate beer almost at the same level as me...besides lambics! :p

Hehe, my GF has only utterly rejected one beer I gave her, and that was the Rodenbach Grand Cru... oh well, more for me.

I just botted a very easy going strawberry blonde ale for her, and she loves the lighter coloured Belgians, but nothing much that contains darker roasted stuff. I got her into beer for better or worse.

I really appreciate her input becase she can pick out balance problems in the taste because she doesn't attribute it back to ingredients like a fellow brewer will.
My woman lifted a fermenter with 20L of wort in it into a chest freezer at midnight last night after working all day.

Really shows you old farts up with your syphons and pully systems! haha