Swmbo <> Beer

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True Story.

Bloke says to my wife " I guess you're happily married ?"

to which she replied

"Yes, I've been happily married since 9th September 2006"

He says " So that's the day you got married ?"

to which she replied

No .. that's when I left my husband "

They have been a couple since.

Nine months later I got broadband internet, I found AHB and discovered all grain brewing. How to get a positive out of a negative.

I call it Karma ! :super:
she has hers (body modification)

Hope she doesnt end up with a willy :p

My missus isn't a drinker at all really, though she always says that it tastes like the one from woodend (holgate). She will drink a lower bittered paler beer, like a marzen. Doesnt like dark malts or bitterness.

boingk and Pollux, your pictures are too similar! I'd been thinking of you as the same person until I just noticed in this thread hahahaha.
Point noted, I shall change mine to me wearing my grain bag shall I??
I am pretty lucky - not only does SWMBO like beer, she likes my beer. I am also slowly turning her over to the dark side (porters/stout).

Add to this that she was the one who quickly jumped on board when I saw a whole heap of brew gear up for sale that would significantly upgrade my capacity and convinced me to buy it, I would have to say I am pretty lucky.

boingk and Pollux, your pictures are too similar! I'd been thinking of you as the same person until I just noticed in this thread hahahaha.
No fair, I was here first! :angry: :D

Its about time I changed mine anyways...new BIAB-inspired pic coming up...
Oi, I just changed to a BIAB inspired pic....kind of..
My better half hates beer but loves the raspberry cider I make for her. I started putting a little DME in the cider which see likes so maybe down the track see will start to enjoy my beers.
I can't complain as she washes all my used bottles and gear for me and gets my shopping from the LHBS for me, bless her cotton socks :rolleyes:
Bah, after looking at bloody SQL code all day i see SWMBO <> Beer and it is woeful I know exactly what that means!

My SWMBO does not touch a drop of beer, I think if i started kegging vodka and <insert fruit flavoring here> i would be in trouble though! :p
I didn't have the luxury of having any home brew on hand so I went out and bought a lot of single bottles of various beers from around the world to give the wife a sample of whats out there.

Everything was "Thats disgusting" after one sip and hand back to me (not that I mind, more for me!).

All the beers were disgusting but I think I managed to make some headway by having here agree "Yes, but they are disgusting in slightly different ways". :eek:

I also got her a cider from England and she had that. Because of previous issues with such things I let her drink that and went up to open a trappist beer only to return and found she poured half the bottle into my glass... ermmm.... again not that I'd complain but I don't swill most drinks. I always prefer just one really good beer per sitting and maybe two. By three the palate is tired and I don't get the joy I got from the 1st one any more.

I brew for quality not for cheapest per bottle so thats my personal style.
After 16 years of marriage wifey is just happy I amuse myself with my new obsession and leave her the hell alone. Last hobby was renovating every weekend for 12 years so at least this way she see me more I guess?

Actually Wifey likes a beer or two like LCBA and or Perone. Made an extract LCBA (Adapted from Tony's recipe) which I hope will spark her interest more in my HB.
My mrs also enjoys beer and a good variety thanks to living in London and travelling through Europe. She is very supportive of the homebrewing - except she wasn't all that keen during the pregnancy when the smell of the boiling wort or spilled beer caused her to be nauseous. Thankfully that's over now and it's just sleepless nights that are the issue. There are certain beers she likes and I'll be cloning them to keep her happy. I did make a cider which she loves so that saves buying any more magners.
My better half loves beer. Actually she was probably the main influence in getting me to try more beers than the standard coopers sparkling that I always drank as a young(er) lad.
That said since I introduced her to cider she has kinda gone off beer a bit.
Actually all my ex's have liked beer too :S
One ex and I broke up purely because of our shared love for a little too much beer she decided was effecting both of our healths too much - she then went on to move back to Wales.

Any way this one is keen on beer and very keen on me brewing AG - I'm even allowed a beer tap in the kitchen after I build her deck (hey fair deal) she's even gone and got quotes on how much its gunna cost to plumb it all up!
Actually we both also like the odd drop of red too. We've got probably 150ish bottles from the King Valley, Hunter Valley, Claire Valley and Margaret river regions.
We are also both partial to the odd drop of vodka too.
I think maybe were just piss heads?

I think she accepts my brewing hobby - bit easier to justify than my cars, car audio and home hifi hobbies. Some what cheaper too!

Her plan is to do nothing on Saturday then go and be suspended from hooks placed under the skin on her shoulders on Sunday....
Gesh - I saw this done at a Pharmacy rave once a few years back. I was intrigued yet couldn't bare to watch. Then there was some other crazy sh*t involving an angle grinder that was doing my head in too. Crazy I tell ya!
My brother is into body mods too - though he has let all his piercings heal up. Now he's onto tattoos. Whilst not for me I certainly can appreciate the artistry etc involved.

Gesh - I saw this done at a Pharmacy rave once a few years back. I was intrigued yet couldn't bare to watch. Then there was some other crazy sh*t involving an angle grinder that was doing my head in too. Crazy I tell ya!
My brother is into body mods too - though he has let all his piercings heal up. Now he's onto tattoos. Whilst not for me I certainly can appreciate the artistry etc involved.

She plans on getting hers done at a well known and trusted piercing studio where the piercers are well versed in the art and associated risks....

We have very solid beliefs about this sort of stuff, we both have tats planned and we know where we want it done and by whom....

and trust me, from the photos she has shown me while she is browsing HER forums.....Suspension is the least of the disturbing...
My wife if partial to a brew and I will brew styles she likes. But most beers are described as bitter and fruity
Bah, after looking at bloody SQL code all day i see SWMBO <> Beer and it is woeful I know exactly what that means!

Let me guess. SWMBO doesn't contain beer? Fairly apt. :D

I don't have a SWMBO at the moment, but last one didn't drink at all! Can only get better from here on...
Mrs warra limits her alcohol to about a glass of wine occasionally. Occasionally she will smell and sip a taste of a new brew, and she can recognise the differences from brew to brew.
I drink about 2 stubbies a day. No point having one sober person and the other blabbing on in an alcohol induced haze.
She doesn't drink anything other alcohol, doesn't smoke, and is the same weight as she was 35 years ago.
We're still together after all that time, so I must be doing something right.