Summer Beer Suggestions

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Well-Known Member
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Caulfield north. Melbourne
Hey guys,

I'm in a quandary. I'm building a kegging system right now, and a guy at work is welding me a brew rig to make life easier so the man shed will be having a renovation over the next couple of weeks :D

My folks are due out here soon for three weeks so I figured It'd be good to make a brew with my old man and all being well keg it and have a pot or two with him from the kegerator before they fly out.

I'm interested in doing a pilsner but don't have the time to lager, I don't want a really big APA or Belgian like I normally brew...and it's not stout weather... I just want something simple and refreshing for summer.... but am stuck with what recipe to use.

Any suggestions?
A wheat beer is what you want. The bonus is that they are made to drink young. So you can have one with your old man. A few good recipes in the database, I like Belgian wits, but try a few and see what's best.

50/50 pils and wheat malts, lightly bittered (15-20) saaz hops for flavour (since you like pils), and a German wheat yeast will be up your alley.
I often do a Boh Pils from grain to brain in under 3 weeks.

95% Boh Pils Malt
5% Melanoidin
Mashed at 66C
Cz Saaz to 35 IBUs, half of it after 30 minutes in the boil
S189 @ 14C

I don't reckon you need to lager a lager to have it taste great; you have to to make it taste awesome, but megaswill drinkers don't know awesome lager.
It's on the hoppy side, but not overly so. All who have tried mine like it, and a few of them are only occasional beer drinkers. The more seasoned drinkers seem to love it!
Been in the bottles almost a month and drinking really well now, but was pretty passable after just 1 week.
Golden / Summer Ale
Faux Aussie Lager (pils/cara with POR flowers fermented with US-05 @ 15C .. super clean)
Pulled a few beers from the 1st keg last night and it tastes pretty good for such a young beer!

Brewed a 21litre kolsch:
3.2kg Pils
0.6 wheat malt
100g carafoam

Saaz & Tettnang hops to 20IBUs.

Fermented @ 16 degrees for 5 days - massive krausen.

Nice easy drinking 'lawnmower' beer.
Brewed the beer with my old man when they arrived three weeks or so back.
Put the folks on the plane back to California this morning.