Right0, so I'm into my mash process which is normally 60mins, during that mash process should I recirculate the entire time I'm mashing, as this is what I thought would be better (same theory as pump over on red wine during maceration), as long as that temp doesn't get below 64*c, or worst case 61*c.
OR having read a little here, some people don't do this, they only recirc to sparge, even though the capability is there to do it the entire time, WHY?
Why do people not mash-out? You have to/should raise the temp of the mash with heated water for a good sparge anyway, not much less than 74*c but no higher than 77*c. Why not hold the mash process an extra 10mins if it's going to give you better efficiency?
Just making sure I'm understanding this all properly before my 2nd AG brew this Sunday.
If I were to start my mash with 2.5 litres of water to the kilo of grain, mash for the 60mins recirculating the entire time, before I get to the 60min mark I've heated the water in my HLT again to a point that it'll hit the grain and stay at 74*c, let that sit/recirculate a further 10mins. THEN transfer to the kettle where I'll add enough water again to be left with after boil evap (if I've done my calculations right) the right amount of wort to hit my fermenter.
I have my wanted batch size and work back from;
Loss left in cooler
trub loss in kettle
Evaporation water during boil
Loss left in pump and lines from MLT to Kettle
Soakage from spent grain
Am I missing anything! and again! thanks for reading