sugar vs juice for priming

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WA Australia
I see some of you use juice to prime and even bulk prime. If the results are better am all for it.

Am trying to figure how much is right.
If 1.5 tspn of sugar equals 100 kilojoule
1 cup of apple juice equals 120cal
and 1 cal = .2kilojoule
then I'd need about 3 cups juice to prime 22litres

Does this sound about right?
Does anyone have any examples?

My main concern is if I bulk prime (I've always primed each bottle) after I add the juice, would then have to stir the brew, thus disturbing the sludge at the bottom. If I don't stir wouldn't some of the brew not be primed properly and some over primed?

The other concern is adding too much and having mini bombs.
you need to look at the sugar content not the kj or calories, and work it out by the gram of sugar.
Not all calories come from sugar. I think this would throw your carb levels out.
When bulk priming you add the priming solution to another clean and sanitised fermentor then rack onto it with a hose to minimise splashing. If positioned correctly the solution will swirl and mix as it fills.
I doubt it makes any difference the amounts used to prime are so small compared to the overall volume you could not tell by taste what was used.