I started it off on sunday night at 16 deg with 3787 and the temp has been increased gradually up to 20 not on thursday. Its pumped about 1/4 cup of yeast through the blow off tube to the bottle so far and tonight............. tonight i added 500g of raw sugar, heated and disolved with a bit of water.
temp went up to 20.5 and within 20 min the blow off bottle was boiling. The tube is cull of yeast and froth and its blocking up......... building pressure and then...... it boils with this huge gush of gas. Its great
will let it go 2 days and add the other half kg.
Im really looking forward to this one.
I have a Belgian Dubbel in a cube to go on the cake (could be scary) and im going to convert 750g of demerara sugar in 2 batches to dark candy sugar on the stove.
my question is......... does it just have to be boiled up with the acid and cooled a bit before adding as a liquid. Im thinking if the raise in temp is to determine the drying qualities of the suagr and i dont give a rats for that. I just want to fed it to the yeast.
Are you gonna use the Aussie product or the imported Lyle's product?
Apparently there is a huge difference. Too much of our Oz treacley stuff will detract and mask any beer flavours you may otherwise have been hoping to highlight.
Never used Lyle's but next time I wanna beer with Golden syrup, I'll give CSR the flick.
Alternate opinions will be wrong.
Seth out
BTW re: your invert sugar experiment, you might ask MHB about some invertase enzyme, and some instructions.