Sufactant Mixer For Phosphoric Acid

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Not to mention the fact a humble Fridgemate would effectively cost ~$300 if we all had a sparky set it up for us! :lol:
How many brewers used a qualified electrician?

Rough guess would be about the same amount who use stills to make "Essential Oils". ;)

Maybe Ross reads from the Dow Chemicals manifesto? :ph34r:

Warren -
Not the same at all - We recommend you get a qualified electrician to install.
Cheers Ross

Hi Josh,

if you can wire a plug, you can wire one of these. You do need to purchase a cheap extension lead & a plastic box to mount it in though. When built, your fridge just plugs into it.

cheers Ross

Just a quick question guys, for someone like myself that has never attempted, and would have no idea how to attempt, putting together anything electrical, are the put together yourself temperature controls available from mashmaster and craftbrewer straightforward to construct?

As easy as wiring a plug :) ....just about, anyway

Cheers Ross

14th Oct 2008

We do supply a wiring diagram with the unit, but it's basically the same as the one on the unit & couldn't be any simpler (much easier to wire than the fridgemate). As others have pointed out, if you don't fully understand the diagram, get someone who knows what they are doing to do it.

cheers Ross
I got a sparky to do mine.. i wasnt going near that ****. Not worth it.

Cheers Vice.
Not the same at all - We recommend you get a qualified electrician to install. The Fridgemate on it's own is not dangerous.

Anyway, I think some maybe missing the point here. I was just pointing out that there is little (financial) need to be handling/storing dangerous chemicals at home to make up homebrand sanitisers.
Cheers Ross


Perhaps you are actually saying "buy your sanitiser from me" ;)

I imagine it would be hard to monopolise all the phosphoric acid in Australia :lol:


I dont add any surfacant to my H3PO4.
Just dilute the 85% down to 10% in another bottle that I have marked. Fill to mark with water, then top up with the 85% (I did half a chemistry degree many moons ago in another age, but remember that you only ever add acid to water, NOT the other way round).
Then I add two capfuls of this 10% to a 500ml spray bottle of water.
I use this on everything
Only had one infected brew so far and that was nothing to do with sanitation but a bad decision to add a cooled down hop tea.

This bottle of 85% is gonna last a long time
I got a litre of 85% Phosphoric acid and a litre of LABS acid about 3-4 years ago. The LABS acid is overkill. One drop in about a 15 litre solution would be more then enough to foam it up.

I ditched the LABS acid and still have some of the phos left. I now use about 2 drops of dish washing detergent in a 15 litre mix and it works fine.

I reckon a litre of LABS acid would last a home brewer about 20 years if not more.


Perhaps you are actually saying "buy your sanitiser from me" ;)

I imagine it would be hard to monopolise all the phosphoric acid in Australia :lol:



Fair dinkum, you've been caught out ripping off people with bulk buys way back when and you are still trying to get a dig against Ross in. Give up Darren. To all the others that have turned this thread into a Bash-Ross-Fest, take a good look at yourselves, you are looking like *********. Ross, I wouldn't bother posting advice here anymore if I were you, there seems to be a weird tall poppy syndrome **** going on here.
