Style Of The Week 7/3/07 - Russian Imperial Stout

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Again, mardoo may better answer this, I asked the same, but as far as I recall it was to aid in the development of raisins flavour.. Deliberate astringency and other reactions that I know **** all about ;)

Ed: snap
technobabble66 said:
You sure it's not gonna be ready for the July Case Swap? :mellow:
a bottle if you are lucky :ph34r:

when is raspberry season?

Sir.. the thumb is a respectable and (increasingly) almost repeatable measure of almost anything.. how many cooks/chefs do you know that weigh out things to the enth degree?


:icon_offtopic: I actually am about to embark on a measured 2 brew, I need to find out some stats on my rig and the only way to do it is to measure the known variables, in this case bveing temp and time with the grain bill being exactly the same...

sorry, I digress.. if its any consolation it was discussed when brewing the behemoth RIS mentioned above
Turns out I have a friend doing some lab work and has offered to do some testing on my beers for nix, thinking I'll put this one forward for analysis.

Alcohol content

Any others that I should get tested for?
Ability to attract beautiful, naked people toward the drinker.
Ability to make the drinker beautiful, naked.
Ability to turn the drinker into a nobel prize winning author.
am I being impatient? It has only been a week after all...

it's slowed significantly and is sitting at 1.038, (20'c) still tastes a bit sweet to me from the hydrometer sample, everything else is divine though.

I'm thinking I may have added the 099 a touch too late, though I did add it with 3lt of 1.055 wort + 500ml amber? dark? candi syrup.

I'll watch it over the next week having just added the Dry hops but I'm tempted to...

A - Brew something else and rack onto the cake
B - Hit it with 2 x EC1118 (this worries me as I dont want to dry it out too much)
C - Lower the temps and hit it with some Lager yeast (alc content worries me for this though, currently %10.11)
D - Leave the bloody thing alone for another week then rack to secondary, on raspberries, leave for another week before doing anything...

its got 20 points to go and Im just a little concerned it wont get there.. anything I can try Ive missed?
1st port of call would be patience. You can return to other options if patience fails.

Not sure the cake will be super healthy considering the dark, high grav brew that's gone before it.
I meant brew something else with a new yeast and rack the RIS onto that..

I will play patience first though
Ah ok. I get you.
Patience and two types of fast ferment test. One to see if this brew has anywhere to go, as is and one to see where it could go with active starter of new yeast.

+ patience.
orright.. ere's what happened...

could not get it to go below 1.040 ish and still tasted a bit sweet.. so I did opt for option a

"A - Brew something else and rack onto the cake"

fermented a pale, racked it off the cake. Racked the RIS into a new FV onto 1.5kg of raspberries and then slopped the cake from the pale onto that.. felt VERY weird doing so, first cake Ive ever used... anywhoo, Rasbpberries now coming through very nicely indeed.

so bit of a refresher on the stats of the brew.

OG 1.115 (Ceiling for style)
FG 1.028 (1.030 is Ceiling for style)

also added 3lt of 1.050 and 500ml Candi Syrup (not added to calculations for %alc. Every time I ferment a big beer the game is always different, I really enjoy the challenges a big beer demands on a brewer, you need to be flexible and creative in how you deal with them to get them to where you want them.

It's incredibly young (still in FV :lol: ) but Im thinking of entering one in Beerfest, just rack a PET and force carb.
Attached photo of the RIS Raspberries, just kegged and 6 PET Bottles, Mardoo and I had a forced carbed bottle between us the other night and it's fair to say, it is indeed a big beer.

RIS Raspberries.JPG

The Raspberries look to be smothered in yeast, having not done a lot with fruit and beer before, is it safe to assume that much of the sugars in the Raspberries would also have been consumed? How the hell would you calc for it?

The RIS has a great Raspberry tone to it, the flavor and aroma have come through just nicely , quite strong at this point, but that's OK as the aging will back it off, Starting to plan the toasted oak chips to go in the keg after a few weeks as is at ambient I think.

I'll be bringing one to Beerfest to have as a snooter post comp on Sat, Ive also entered one into Stouts which I expect I'll get slammed for ;) ..

:icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2:
FMD, are you planning on making it through an entire bottle on your own? Actually, by this point I expect I'll hear from you tomorrow. ;)
it's like a nightcap.. an incredibly velvety evil black nightcap... or painkillers or something..

either way, there is a delicious little hum going on in me right now and I think I'll have a little lay down if you dont mind...
My 100th all grain brew in next up and I've decided to brew a RIS for something special
I'm going to brew the 1914 Courage Imperial in the link below
Mardoo said:
Here's the link for the recipe Yob and I just brewed. As it would have been aged in barrel, oak would of course have been part of the package, although it's not included in the recipe.
I'll be doing a reiterated mash in my 40L urn BIAB system and no chilling.
I'm going to add some oak to the cube and probably let the cube sit till the weather warms up a bit for my ale yeast.

With the yeast I'm tossing up between 1469, Nottingham or both together. What do you think ?

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