Style Of The Week 1/8/07 - Mild

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looking at this:

Pale Mild

Type: All grain
Size: 22 liters
Color: 22 HCU (~13 SRM)
Bitterness: 26 IBU
OG: 1.042
FG: 1.016
Alcohol: 3.4% v/v (2.7% w/w)
Grain: 3.5kg Simpsons Maris
250g Dingemans aromatic
250g Dingemans biscuit
250g Simpsons heritage crystal 135-165L
Mash: 70% efficiency, 69 for 30, 72 and 78 rests for 10 mins each
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.029 32 liters
Hops: 25g Challenger (6.5% AA, 60 min.)
10g Challenger (6.5% AA, 10 min.)

Cal Chloride to mash and boil

Wy 1469

Maybe next weekend.
That looks the goods to me manticle.....I love a good Mild but i have never used 1469, 1318 has always been my choice of yeast.

Let me know how this turns out as with Winter just around the corner a Mild and Stout are on the cards.

Brewing this today
Pale Mild (Mild)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.036 (°P): 9.0
Final Gravity (FG): 1.009 (°P): 2.3
Alcohol (ABV): 3.54 %
Colour (SRM): 7.5 (EBC): 14.7
Bitterness (IBU): 20.1 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)

88.89% Ashburne Mild
6.84% Victory
4.27% Crystal 30

1.4 g/L East Kent Golding (4.7% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
Mash schedule something along the lines of
68 - 40 mins
72 - 20 mins
78 - mash out 10 mins
Wy 1469

Dont have aromaitic/biscuit so using Briess Victory

Dont think it will get down to 1009 - will be happy with anything around 1011/2 which will give me about 3.2% aav. Should be an easy drinking week night beer.

Edit: Fixed dodgy "d" key spelling mistakes.
looks good. Victory is pretty similar to biscuit and what I use if I can't get biscuit.
Manticle with your recipe, post 141, how do you think that malt profile and body would go with a 30min bitter addition in lieu of the 60min, obviuosly you would need more challenger to hit the same IBU's? You've got me thinking now. I usually use first gold but love challenger.
I think the small amount of marmalade I get from the late challenger in my dark mild complements the choc and nuttiness very well.

My recipe above (not yet brewed but I've made the dark version about 6 times this year/2012 end) is designed to be a tad hoppier to make up for the absence of the roast but should still be toasty and nutty. I'm theorising obviously but I think, despite mild being a generally malt driven style, that some more challenger flavour would work well.
LagerBomb said:
Brewing this today
Pale Mild (Mild)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.036 (°P): 9.0
Final Gravity (FG): 1.009 (°P): 2.3
Alcohol (ABV): 3.54 %
Colour (SRM): 7.5 (EBC): 14.7
Bitterness (IBU): 20.1 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)

88.89% Ashburne Mild
6.84% Victory
4.27% Crystal 30

1.4 g/L East Kent Golding (4.7% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
Mash schedule something along the lines of
68 - 40 mins
72 - 20 mins
78 - mash out 10 mins
Wy 1469

Dont have aromaitic/biscuit so using Briess Victory

Dont think it will get down to 1009 - will be happy with anything around 1011/2 which will give me about 3.2% aav. Should be an easy drinking week night beer.

Edit: Fixed dodgy "d" key spelling mistakes.
Got this on the boil now. Had a few problems with the brewday - mainly sparge water not hot enough due to electrical problems, but after a 2hour mash I finally got there. Its surprising how dark this is without and RB etc. Got slightly better efficiency then I planned (1033 OG preboil) so it will end up around 1038/9 and probably 3.6/8% aav
I gave you ideas, mate?

As I mentioned in human - I think I'll start working my way through the JW Pils (and some medium crystal) with a mild or standard bitter. I reckon I've got enough hops that will do the trick. Or maybe a cream ale, depending on what yeasts I have in the freezer.

I got marked down on a Mild. The judge who did so (kindly) left feedback that it should have been in English Bitter and it would have been a silver medal beer (d'oh). He is also a site sponsor, so I'm grateful for the feedback. And he specifically mentioned the lack of dark roasted malt.
Bottling the pale mild now. Aromatic and biscuit malt give it a great lift and it has similarities to the dark in terms of malt profile.

OG was around 1040, FG 1016 so approaching ordinary bitter territory if you care about such things. I find BJCP with UK beers to be pretty arbritary and only matters if entering comps. Enter the same beer in both categories (I entered my dark as a southern english and as a mild in beerfest and it scored similarly in both).

Beyond that - loving the sessionability of milds and am almost as addicted now as mje1980
Loving milds at the moment. Think I will always have one on tap. So quick, easy, cheap and full of flavour. Planning on brewing another one tomorrow.
Malty, toasty/roasty, can drink 4 or 5 pints without falling over, whats not to love about mild?! Got some 1469 for my next one, num nums!!
2013-04-20 14.56.05.jpg

Try to brew a tradtional mild using English malts and English hops, a very simple recipe is the one attached,
brewed it many times, however, do not crush the black malt, just add to the mash whole.
Use an SO4 yeast, could not be simpler.
therook said:
That looks the goods to me manticle.....I love a good Mild but i have never used 1469, 1318 has always been my choice of yeast.

Let me know how this turns out as with Winter just around the corner a Mild and Stout are on the cards.

In my opinion and the opinion of at least one other brewer - friggin' delicious. Aromatic and biscuit together are a great combination.

Unfortunately heritage crystal is not currently available so I will be trying this again with a blend of light, medium and dark simpsons crystals (equal ratios of each).

Short high mash is crucial. Such an easy brewday, ready to bottle or keg after a week.
I have only tried 1187 and 1469. 1469 is easily my favourite of the two. That being said, I've only brewed 4 of these before so my experience is limited. I've been very happy with the results though.
Have always used 1469 for these so thought I'd give 1968 for a change .
Pitched Tuesday arvo, 17.8C, set stc for 19.
Just checked and fg is where i want it but... diacetyl ( yeah i know wyeast says it produces it). Never had this much diacetyl ever. Currently sitting on 18.4 and I gave it a swirl, should I put the heat belt on it a bring it up to 21-22 or just give it a swirl daily until the diacetyl has gone ?
Just kegged this one using 1469...... tasted really nice.

3.6kg Ale Malt
350g Heritage Crystal
60g Chocolate
30g RB

22g EKG @ 60
12g Challenger @ 20

Maybe not quite true to style but tastes great... will post how it is carbonated.
Why not true to style?

Looks spot on at first glance (style historically is pretty wide too).
My readings said that RB is not used??? Anyways it tastes pretty good, needs a little more carbonation. If anything it is a tad more bitter than expected. Brew Mate says 23.1 IBU's (no chill adjusted) Second brew using 1469 and both very good drops.
manticle said:
looking at this:

Pale Mild

Type: All grain
Size: 22 liters
Color: 22 HCU (~13 SRM)
Bitterness: 26 IBU
OG: 1.042
FG: 1.016
Alcohol: 3.4% v/v (2.7% w/w)
Grain: 3.5kg Simpsons Maris
250g Dingemans aromatic
250g Dingemans biscuit
250g Simpsons heritage crystal 135-165L
Mash: 70% efficiency, 69 for 30, 72 and 78 rests for 10 mins each
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.029 32 liters
Hops: 25g Challenger (6.5% AA, 60 min.)
10g Challenger (6.5% AA, 10 min.)

Cal Chloride to mash and boil

Wy 1469

Maybe next weekend.
Did you end up brewing this Manticle?
I have some Magnum in the fridge Do you think this would work in a mild? I kinda wanna drop one this week........ I have EKG if not.

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