Stuff Your Kids Say

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Was dropping the kids off at daycare and a large woman was coming the other way,, 4 year old boy says to her " you've got really big boobies". I just laughed which didnt help.
Could have been worse
19yo daughter asked if her boyfriend could spend the night, in her bed, in my house. :unsure:
Never laughed so much in all my feckin life.
She won't ask that one again for a while.
Last year my youngest son was at kindy. Teacher told us they were looking everywhere for him and calling his name, turns out he was on the loo and called back "I'm just dropping some friends off at the pool".
My 3yo old daughter was standing in the kitchen, she turned around to walk out and tripped over the cat. She curses, "f#cking cat!!". Wonder where she got that from..... :ph34r:
I love my daughter's level of concern for others.....

A friend of ours is dropping by for dinner tonight, and I was asking my daughter what we should make. Her response was "Is there anything Megan can't eat? Is she allergic to anything?"

Not bad for a 4 year old, but a sad sign of how many kids must have allergies for that to be her first question.
anyone concerned about their kids randomly swearing at inanimate objects should take a trip out to Cunnamulla in Southern QLD. First time I drove into town got out to stretch the legs and a 6-8yr old kid riding his bike on the footpath yelled at me "watch out C$$T"... that's the kind of swearing that probably indicates poor parenting.
I love my daughter's level of concern for others.....

A friend of ours is dropping by for dinner tonight, and I was asking my daughter what we should make. Her response was "Is there anything Megan can't eat? Is she allergic to anything?"

Not bad for a 4 year old, but a sad sign of how many kids must have allergies for that to be her first question.

My mind...I initially understood that to be "what can we prepare to make her sick?" It's what I usually think when the inlaws are due to come over. <_<
My 3yo son was asked in daycare what animals live in the jungle, and what they eat.

"Tigers... they eat babies."

This was written in his daybook. They put "(animals)" after babies, I think to sugarcoat it for the others, but his answer is dripping with awesomeness.
My old red heeler is struggling and he probably won't last another year. Miss 4 is asking q's about dying now and she knows that animals die and that we will plant a tree on top of the dog when he dies. She also has a thing for dinosaur bones at the moment.

She asked the other day "When Ed dies and we plant a tree can we see him?" "No, darling, he will be in the ground". "Yes, but can we dig up his bones to look at them?"
I had to laugh!
My oldest boy at kindy used to say "making daddy's beer" during sand and water play. Also at kindy, he referrs to water and cordial as beer and walks up to everybody and asks them to smell the "bopps" (hops)
that's the kind of swearing that probably indicates poor parenting.

No probably about it dude.

I've got no kids at the moment but the funniest thing I've read in a while was a story/joke about a kid throwing a tantrum because he wasn't getting the lolly he wanted in the supermarket.

My 19 month old is currently trying to tell us he can't do things at times
The 2 year old I'm looking after at the moment says nothing but 'no' and the last syllable of any sentence you may say to him.

Pretty frigging annoying.

Although, the noise his 4month old sister has been making for the last 2 hours is significantly worse.
After two weeks with his Gandad over Christmas holidays, my 3 year old greeted me with a "hi dickhead" when I went to pick him up. After my wife & I finished crying we were laughing that hard, he topped it off when Grandad's dog jumped up on him with a "get off ya *******". Looks like we'll need a few weeks retraining.....
My 3yo son came out with a few pearlers yesterday.
Walking through target past a homebrew display, he pointed at it and said "Daddy!"
SWMBO cracked up.

Later on we're at home, he goes to the toilet, as he's leaving he turns around and goes "ah **** it, I'll turn the light off".
I'm thinking, what did he just say? Playing races later on, I lose and say "oh maaaan!". He replies "no you don't say oh man you say [mumbling under his breath] ah **** it!"
years ago we had a small property with sheep for lawn mowers,after chasing these dumd ******* sheep all over ( when some dumb prick) didnt shut the gate,i said ahhh stuff em ive had enough......

my then 4 yr old son replied..." yeah fuckem dad" buggered if i know where he got such language.................cheers...........spog.........
Walking to the easter show yesterday, son mutters "fuckers"... no reason for it other than he felt like it. SWMBO turned around and said "What did you say?!", to which he replied with a smile "It's okay Mummy, I didn't say **** it".

At least he held his tongue while we were in the dodgem cars.
My two-year-old daughter (two today!!! :beer: ) was at the playground collecting sticks when I told her that sticks come from trees. She looked up at the tree and looked at me. I said, "Trees and sticks are where wood comes from." She proceeded to walk around the play ground happily shouting, "I got wood!" every time she picked up a stick. All the parents were trying hard not to laugh. Didn't work :lol:
Happy birthday to the little brewing assistant, Mardoo!

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